Information Technologyin Collaborative Networks

The  purpose  of  an  information  system  is  to  manage  data,  information  and  knowledge connected  with  human  activity.  Information  Systems  in  Collaborative  Networks  manage available  data  and  describe  conditions  and  information  generated  by  data  integration corresponding to the various stages of products and services in the network, and the actions taken  by  network  staff  in  order …

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The oretical Issuesin Modeling of Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

In   large-scale   WSNs   (wireless   sensor   networks),   packets   of   a   source   node   are  often transmitted via multi-hop relays to reach their sink nodes. The hop-count, h, of a sink node is related to a particular hop-count originator (namely the source node) and it is defined as the least number of multi-hop relays required to send one…

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EMC Aspect as Important Parameter of New Technologies

Equipment  disturbances  and  errors  have  become  more  serious  as  a  consequence  of  the growth of the electronic circuit complexity. According to new technical legislation and also economic  consequences,  the  electromagnetic  compatibility  (EMC)  concept  of  all  products must be strictly observed (Montrose & Nakauchi, 2004). It must start with the specification of  the  equipment  performance  and …

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Development of Fuzzy NeuralNetworks: Current Framework and Trends

Fuzzy systems have been demonstrated their ability to solve different kinds of problems in classification, modeling control and in a considerable number of industry applications. It has been  shown  as  a  powerful  methodology  for  dealing  with  imprecision  and  nonlinearity efficiently  (Wang,  1994).  However,  one  of  the  shortcomings  of  fuzzy  logic  is  the  lack  of learning …

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Group Tracking Algorithm for Crowded Scene

Automatic  visual  monitoring  systems  gain  more  significance  as  the  enhancement  of  high speed   processors   that   are  able   to   execute   the   prolonged   algorithm   efficiently.   Video surveillance  monitoring  systems  are  typically  applied  to  study  human  behavior  in  a crowded situation. It is used to observe posture, movement, trajectories and the interaction between people. For this purpose CCD…

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Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Enhancement and Information Extraction

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are all-weather, night and day, imaging systems. Automatic interpretation of information in SAR images is very difficult because SAR images are  affected  by  a  noise-like  characteristic  called  speckle  that  arises  from  an  imaging  device and  strongly  data  and  makes  automatic  image  interpretation  very  difficult.  The  speckle noise   in   SAR   images   can   be  …

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Face Recognition under Varying Illumination

Face  Recognition  by  a  robot  or  machine  is  one  of  the  challenging  research  topics  in  the recent years. It has become an active research area which crosscuts several disciplines such as  image  processing,  pattern  recognition,  computer  vision,  neural  networks  and  robotics. For   many   applications,   the   performances   of   face   recognition   systems   in   controlled environments have achieved…

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Perspectives of the On-line Engineering Office

Internet   environment   and   internet   based   tools   enable   numerous   opportunities   of establishing new enterprises even without any actual, physical office. Such enterprises are already functioning in many services, e.g. language, banking, trading, to full extent. This is also true in various engineering activities. Such an environment is also beneficial in case of multinational   companies,   since   it  …

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New Strategies for Technology Products Development in HealthCare

HealthCare Product Design, and in particular the development of bio-electronic device for diagnosis  and  monitoring,  is  usually  very  complex  because  it  concerns  many  different disciplines  (eg.  Medicine,  Electronics,  Computer  Science,  Product  Design,  etc.).  Moreover Healthcare   products   are   almost   always   used   by   many   different   actors,   for   example caregivers,  physicians,  patients  and  their  relatives.  They  can  be …

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