Differential Introduction
A differential is a device, usually, but not necessarily, employing gears, capable of transmitting torque and rotation through…
Fluid Coupling
It is a device for transmitting rotation between shafts by means of the acceleration and…
Different Types Of Clutch
Friction Clutch Friction clutches are the most commonly used clutch mechanisms. They are used to…
Requirements of a Good Clutch
· It should be able to transmit the maximum torque of the engine. · It should engage…
Clutch Introduction
A Clutch is a machine member used to connect the driving shaft to a driven shaft, so that…
Air Brake System
Air Brake System is the brake system used in automobiles such as buses, trailers, trucks, and…
Hydraulic Brake
Hydraulic Brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing ethylene glycol, to transfer pressure…
Frictional, Pumping, Electromagnetic brakes
1. Frictional brakes are most common and can be divided broadly into "shoe" or "pad" brakes,…
Types of Brakes
Brakes may be broadly described as using friction, pumping, or electromagnetics. One brake may use…
Brake Introduction
A brake is amechanical device which inhibits motion. Its opposite component is aclutch. Brake pedal slows a car…