Effect of Argon Carrier Gas Flux on TiO2 Nanostructures

SEMICONDUCTING NANOWIRES Based on the geometry, 1D nanostructures typically consist of four categories: nanowire (NW), nanorod (NR), nanobelt (NB), and nanotube. The first three categories all possess a solid structure, while the nanotube has a hollow center. There is a significant different in geometry, property, and synthesis strategies between the nanotube and the first three…

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Synthesis, Luminescence and Magnetic Properties of Novel Fe0.5Gd0.5(MoO4)1.5:Eu3+ Micro/Nano (3D) Structures

Size- and shape-controlled synthesis of self-organized, three-dimensional (3D) micro/nano architectures are still challenging and much attracted in the recent years owing to vast scientific and technological interest in multifaceted research areas [11, 27, 14]. The growth and development of uniform, self-aggregated 3D super-structures through plane-to-plane coalition of the basic building blocks have been paid significant attention owing…

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Fundamentals of Medicinal Application of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

Titanium dioxide (TiO2), a semiconducting material, is a well-known photocatalyst [1-5]. Examples of previous studies about TiO2 photocatalytic reactions are listed in Table 1. A nanoparticle (NP) of TiO2also demonstrates photocatalytic activity. Important applications of TiO2 photocatalysts are bactericidal activity [2-4, 6-12] and degradation of chemical pollutants [2-4, 13]. Related physical and chemical mechanisms have been also investigated [2-5, 14-17]. Photo-irradiated…

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Nanoparticle Formation by Laser Ablation and by Spark Discharges — Properties, Mechanisms, and Control Possibilities

Modern nanotechnology includes several promising areas such as nano-optics, nano-photonics, nanochemistry, nanobiology, and nanomedicine. During the past decade, we have witnessed a tremendous growth of nanoparticle applications that require particles of different materials with different size, dispersion, shape, and morphology. As a result, the development of new nanoparticle synthesis methods is particularly important. Among the…

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Perspective of the Structuration Process Use in the Optoelectronics, Solar Energy, and Biomedicine

Introduction Careful investigations of the structural, refractive, conductive, and wetting properties of the innovative hybrid materials modified with effective nano- and bio-objects are timely and quite popular [1–6] because of the relevance study of new physical and chemical effects in them. Structured inorganic and organic materials, including liquid crystal ones, are able to optimize the…

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Green Synthesis of Metallic and Carbon Nanostructures

Introduction Several nanoparticle synthesis methods are applied nowadays in different scientific fields; furthermore, based on the type of process (physical, chemical, or biological) and the conditions the synthesis is undertaken, they allow a control of the shape of the material, thus managing their application more accurately [1, 2]. With the objective of adopting eco-friendly methods that…

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Nanocharacterization of the Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of MEMS Micromembranes

Introduction The micromembranes are microelectromechanical system (MEMS) components that accomplish one double role of supporting other components, which are regularly rigid and of providing the necessary flexibility in a microdevice that has moving parts [1–3]. A micromembrane has three significant parts: the mobile plate that is moved in different planes in response of an acting…

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Surface Nanomechanics of Biomolecules and Supramolecular Systems

Describing and probing molecule collective surface nanomechanics The section introduces the description of surface molecule transformations by classical interfacial thermodynamics. This will be helpful to better grasp the working principle of nanomechanical sensors, which will be presented in the next subsection. Nanomechanical sensors are the basic technology used to probe and quantify molecule collective surface…

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Thermomass Theory: A Mechanical Pathway to Analyze Anomalous Heat Conduction in Nanomaterials

Introduction The Fourier law proposed in 1822 [1] is the fundamental of thermal conduction. It indicates that the heat flux passing through a material is proportional to the local gradient of temperature here q is the heat flux, ∇T is the local temperature gradient, and κ is the thermal conductivity, which represents the material capability of transferring heat. In a long term,…

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