Ultrasonic Testing Procedure

This a sample UT procedure and you need to modify it to meet your project specification. Scope                                                                                                                            1.1-This procedure describes the general requirements for Ultrasonic examination of metallic welding according related approved weld maps as may be required by the specification or under .which component is being designed and manufactured. 1.2- This procedure provides the…

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Magnetic Particle Examination

Magnetic particle examination (MT) is a very popular, low-cost method to perform nondestructive examination (NDE) of ferromagnetic material. Ferromagnetic is defined in ASME Section V as “a term applied to materials that can be magnetized or strongly attracted by a magnetic field.” MT is an NDE method that checks for surface discontinuities but can also reveal discontinuities…

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Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)

Basic Processing Steps of a Liquid Penetrant Inspection Surface Preparation: One of the most critical steps of a liquid penetrant inspection is the surface preparation. The surface must be free of oil, grease, water, or other contaminants that may prevent penetrant from entering flaws. The sample may also require etching if mechanical operations such as…

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Codes and Standards Bodies Involved in NDT Industry

Most countries have one or more organizations (“standards bodies”) that develop and publish technical industrial standards. Some don’t, and those usually reference existing codes and standards for their manufacturing, fabrication and construction projects. In the United States, these organizations are usually independent organizations from private industry, but in many countries they are government agencies. The…

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Codes and Standards Overview

Codes, regulatory requirements, standards, specifications and recommended practices are used in all aspects of construction, fabrication, manufacturing and inspection. The following is a brief description of each of these categories along with examples of how they are used. Codes Codes are generally the top-tier documents, providing a set of rules that specify the minimum acceptable…

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NDT Test Methods

Test method names often refer to the type of penetrating medium or the equipment used to perform that test. Current NDT methods are: Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiographic Testing (RT), Visual Testing (VT). Acoustic Emission Testing (AE), Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Guided Wave Testing (GW),  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR),…

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What Is Non-destructive Testing?

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and technology industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE), Nondestructive inspection (NDI), and Nondestructive evaluation(NDE) are also commonly used to describe this technology. Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is a…

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Methods and Tools for the Temporal Analysis of Avionic Networks

Thanks to the Integrated Modular Avionics concept [ARI (1991; 1997)], functions developed for civilian aircraft share computation resources. However, the continual growing number of these functions implies a huge increase in the quantity of data exchanged and thus in the number of connections between functions. Consequently, traditional ARINC 429 buses [ARI (2001)] can’t cope with…

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Cognitive Radio: UWB Integration and Related Antenna Design

The  emerging  feature-rich  and  high-data-rate  wireless  applications  have  put  increasing demand  on  radio  spectrum.  The  scarcity  of  spectrum  and  the  inefficiency  in  its  usage,  as caused  by  the  current  radio  spectrum  regulations,  necessitate  the  development  of  new dynamic spectrum allocation policies to better exploit the existing spectrum. The current spectrum allocation regulations assign specific bands…

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Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems, Basedon Sensor Networks

The chapter theme results at the crossroads of some major scientific and technical domains: modern intelligent wireless sensor networks, distributed parameter systems, multivariable linear and non-linear estimation techniques, especially using artificial intelligence tools and virtual instrumentation (Tubaishat & Madria, 2003), (Giannakis, 2008), (Kubrulsky & de S. Vincente,  1977),  (Volosencu,  2008).  And,  an  important  application  is …

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