Introduction to Plant Management and Economics
15.1 COST OF EQUIPMENT The cost of equipment may be obtained in two ways: (a) by estimation and (b) the purchased price. Cost estimation is required when the equipment is fabricated. Estimated cost will include the material, labour, and the overhead components involved in manufacturing. Material cost will include the direct and indirect components. Direct…
Verification of Heat Treatment
With some materials, such as solution heat treatable aluminum alloys, conductivity measurements are often made verifying that parts and materials have received the proper heat treatment. High purity aluminum is soft and ductile, and gains strength and hardness with the addition of alloying elements. A few such aluminum alloys are the 2000 series (2014, 2024, etc.), 6000 series (6061, 6063, etc.),…
Lifecycle Product Replacement Process
As a rule of thumb, a product should be replaced when it is not as useful as it is supposed to be. This may happen at any time during the product life cycle due to different causes. At the early stages of product launch and/or usage, this might be the result of the product’s failure…
Understanding Vector Analysis
Vector calculus offers methods important to engineering fields for understanding and manipulating vector fields and scalar fields. Vector calculus owes much of its importance in engineering and physics to the gradient, divergence, and curl. These terms are used for simplifying the complicated vectors. Gradient, divergence, and curl are basic in connection with fields. Gradient of…
Organization for production management
The organization in production management is a group of people which works under an executive leadership. It divides the work and responsibilities of the employees. It establishes a relationship between authority and responsibility and controls the efforts of groups. The organization is a step towards the achievement of established goals. The following are the various…
Vapor Absorption Vs Vapor Compression Refrigeration
There are some aspects in which vapor absorption refrigeration system is different from that of vapor compression. The main principle is the same for the two systems. But there are differences between power consumption COP, mechanical parts etc. Comparison between vapor absorption and vapor compression refrigeration systems Aspect Vapor Absorption System Vapor Compression System…
Gas Turbine Power Plant With Regeneration, Reheating and Intercooling
A simple Cycle Gas turbine follows the Brayton cycle. In many aircrafts gas turbine engines are used in their simple forms as the aircraft is needed to be light. While gas turbines which are used in land or marine application can be equipped with additional parts to increase the efficiency. Modifications that are usually seen in Gas Turbine cycle…
What is Lower Calorific Value and Higher Calorific Value
Mainly two types of calorific values are there – Higher Calorific Value and Lower Calorific Value . Higher Calorific Value (HCV) or Higher Heating Value (HHV) or Gross Calorific Value: When 1 kg of a fuel is burnt, the heat obtained by the complete combustion after the products of the combustion are cooled down to room temperature (usually 15 degree Celsius) is called higher calorific value of…
What is Cooling Tower ? Describe With Schematic Diagrams
Cooling tower is a device which is used to extract waste heat by the stream of water of low temperature. The cooling system of the cooling tower is known as the evaporative cooling system. In this process small amount of heat is rejected by evaporation and the most of the heat is rejected by the stream of water. Most of…
Combined Cycle Power Plant with Topping and Bottoming Cycles
In combined cycle power plant Gas turbine and steam cycle work together. Steam Turbine runs on Rankin Cycle and Gas Turbine runs on Brayton Cycle. The diagram of the cycle is shown here. Steps involved in the running of Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) · Fuel is burned on the starting stage of gas turbine. · Fuel is…