Erp Concept for Enterprise Management and Knowledge Management Era

Development of information and communication technologies has influenced the evolution of  all  kinds  of  computer  applications  in  the  organization.  At  the  same  time  external environment  and  phenomenon  of  globalisation  have  become  more  complex  with  new requires  and  conditions  for  enterprises.  In  that  context,  effective  information  system  has become  necessity  for  every  organization  in  order  to …

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Technologies and Methodologies Enabling Reliable Real-Time Wireless Automation

Wireless   automation   is   an   emerging   field   of   research,   engineering  and   industrial development  that  aims  at  significant  savings  in  installation  times  and  costs  of  cabling  in automation   systems,   while   providing   a   new   level   of   flexibility   for   system   design, reconfiguration,  and  agility.  It  is  applicable  to  both  new  automation  systems  and  retrofit applications. The use of wireless…

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Two-Level Transplant Evolution for Optimization of General Controllers

The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  describe  a  new  optimization  method  that  can  create  control equations of general regulators. For this type of optimization a new method was created and we call it Two-Level Transplant Evolution (TLTE). This method allowed us to apply advanced methods of optimization, for example direct tree reducing of tree…

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Graphical Languages for Enterprise Control

The  market  for  many  industrial  production  companies  is  getting  tougher  as  the  global competition is increasing. The collaborative manufacturing model, see Figure 1 (Gorbach & Nick, 2002), reflects the fact that companies today need to collaborate both externally and internally to reach success on the market. The external collaboration is presented through the  two  horisontal …

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Software Implementation of Self-Tuning Controllers

Real  control  of  industrial  processes  is  almost  always  burden  with  various  perturbations, disturbances  and  changes  in  process  parameters  or  dynamics  due  to  varying  operational conditions,    plant    properties    themselves,    etc.    Furthermore,    an    acceptable    a    priori mathematical  model  does  not  have  to  be  known.  In  spite  of  it,  such  processes  have  to  be controlled. A  possible  solution …

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Intelligent Technologies in Modelling and Control of Turbojet Engines

The state of present technologies in technical and also non-technical practice is represented by   growing   complexity   of   systems.   A   turbojet   engine   as   a   complex   system   is multidimensional highly parametric system with complex dynamics and strong non-linear behavior with stochastic properties. Its particular property is operation in a wide spectrum of  changes  of  its  operating  environment …

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Effect on Thermal Properties

1. Specific heat of Nanocrystalline materials (Cu, Ru, Pd) are higher than their bulk counterparts. 2. The melting point of nanoparticles decreases dramatically as the particle size gets reduced 3. Thermal conductivity of Nanotubes are more than twice the conductivity of diamonds. 4. Thermal management: Carbon nano tubes (CNTs) have good thermal conductivity properties and…

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Effect on Thermal Properties

1. Specific heat of Nanocrystalline materials (Cu, Ru, Pd) are higher than their bulk counterparts. 2. The melting point of nanoparticles decreases dramatically as the particle size gets reduced 3. Thermal conductivity of Nanotubes are more than twice the conductivity of diamonds. 4. Thermal management: Carbon nano tubes (CNTs) have good thermal conductivity properties and…

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Effect on Magnetic Properties

·         Magnetic moment: In nano-materials as large number of atoms are present in the surface, they have low co-ordination number and hence possess local magnetic moment with in themselves. ·         Due to large magnetic moment these nano-materials emhibits spontaneous magnetization at smaller sizes. ·         Super-paramagnetism is a form of magnetism, which appears in small ferromagnetic (or) ferrimagnetic nanoparticles….

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Effect on Optical Properties

·         Change in colour: In semiconductors, bandgap changes with particle size; bandgap is the energy needed to promote an electron from the valence band to the conduction band. As particle size decreases, bandgaps increases and so wavelength of light emitted by the particles decreases. When the bandgaps lie in the visible spectrum, a change in bandgap…

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