What are the Problems of Defense Industry in brief?

1.   Large military build-ups, massive projects all lead to unethical business practices and the urgency of completion of the weapons  projects  does not allow proper controlling  and monitoring. 2.   ‘Technology creep’ – development of cruise missiles alters diplomatic arrangements 3.   The impact of secrecy surrounding any defense activity 4.   Overall effect of defense spending on economy 

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How much is being spent in Defence expenditure and how Arms Trade gets promoted by private manufacturers of arms?

–           Hundreds of billions of dollars, annually, throughout the world, are being spent for military operations. –           25% of this is spent on just procurement of weapons. –           17% of these are spent in transactions across countries Promotion of Arms Deals: 1. Krupp, a family of successful arms merchants and manufacturers Armies and navies invested in Krupp’s nickel steel…

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What should engineers do in taking part in Weapons development?

Engineers   need  to  examine   one’s  conscience   to  take  part  in  any  form  of  weapon development. –          They  have  to  consider  the  circumstances  leading  to  the  specific  conflict  and  decide whether it is justified to take part in associated weapons development. –           If necessary, they should refuse to be a part of it and be prepared to face…

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What Professional Issues arise in Computer ethics?

Owing to the high degree of job complexity and technical proficiency required, a lot of issues arise in engineering ethics. 1. Computer failures: • Failures can occur due to either hardware or software • Hardware errors do not occur frequently. • Software errors are the major failures of the computers. • Hardware errors are easily detected. • Software errors are…

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Describe how and in what ways ‘violation of privacy’ occurs in and through

Computers. Computers make  more  information  available  to  more  people.  This makes  protection  of computer privacy difficult. 1. Inappropriate Access: • Documents recorded for a crime which one did not commit but was arrested. • As a child you were arrested for drinking alcohol • Medical data about visits to a psychiatrist. • A loan default to a National Bank….

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Explain briefly about Data and Software with respect to property problems.

 ‘Data’ is information stored in a computer.    ‘Software’ or ‘program’ consists of i)                    an algorithm,  ii)                  a source code and iii)                An object code. Software can be protected by Copyrights and Trade secret laws. Patenting on software is limited to detailed coding sequences but not final products. Algorithms and object codes cannot be copyrighted. But source code…

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