Thickness Measurements of Non Conducting Coatings on Conductive Materials

The thickness of nonmetallic coatings on metal substrates can be determined simply from the effect of liftoff on impedance. This method has widespread use for measuring thickness of paint and plastic coatings. The coating serves as a spacer between the probe and the conductive surface. As the distance between the probe and the conductive base metal increases, the eddy…

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Conductivity Measurements

One of the uses of eddy current instruments is for the measurement of electrical conductivity. The value of the electrical conductivity of a metal depends on several factors, such as its chemical composition and the stress state of its crystalline structure. Therefore, electrical conductivity information can be used for sorting metals, checking for proper heat…

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Tube Inspection

Eddy current inspection is often used to detect corrosion, erosion, cracking and other changes in tubing. Heat exchangers and steam generators, which are used in power plants, have thousands of tubes that must be prevented from leaking. This is especially important in nuclear power plants where reused, contaminated water must be prevented from mixing with…

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Signal Filtering

Signal filtering is often used in eddy current testing to eliminate unwanted frequencies from the receiver signal. While the correct filter settings can significantly improve the visibility of a defect signal, incorrect settings can distort the signal presentation and even eliminate the defect signal completely. Therefore, it is important to understand the concept of signal…

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Reference Standards

In eddy current testing, the use of reference standards in setting up the equipment is particularly important since signals are affected by many different variables and slight changes in equipment setup can drastically alter the appearance of a signal. As with most other NDT methods, the most useful information is obtained when comparing the results…

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Impedance Matching

Eddy current testing requires us to determine the components of the impedance of the detecting coil or the potential difference across it. Most applications require the determination only of changes in impedance, which can be measured with a high degree of sensitivity using an AC bridge. The principles of operation of the most commonly used…

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Coil (Probe) Design

The most important feature in eddy current testing is the way in which the eddy currents are induced and detected in the material under test. This depends on the design of the probe.  As discussed in the previous pages, probes can contain one or more coils, a core and shielding.  All have an important effect on the…

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