Linear Actuators

Introduction: Linear actuators are mechanical devices that convert the energy as extraction of power from air or electricity from liquids, in order to create motion in a straight line that is contrasted with a circular motion of the electric motor. These linear actuators move the work tables that are on the industrial machines, modulation of…

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Lubricant is a material that reduces friction between the mutual contact surfaces and improves the smoothness, with the motion of one surface over other The material used in this process is known as lubricant. Lubricants are generally semi liquids or liquids, in some cases gases or solids and sometimes combination of liquids, solids and gases….

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Overview of Psychrometric Chart

A Psychrometric chart can graphically represents the thermodynamic properties of air-water vapor mixture. Standard psychrometric charts are bounded by the dry-bulb temperature line (X – axis) and the vapor pressure or humidity ratio (Y – axis). The Left Hand Side of the psychrometric chart is bounded by saturation line.Below image shows the schematic diagram of a psychrometric chart. Psychrometric…

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Types of Magnets

The objects that generate magnetic field are known as magnets. The force field developed will either pull or repels with materials as nickel and iron. The attracted forces pull the Ferro magnetic materials as iron. All the magnets are not made of same elements. These magnets are classified on the basis of the elements in…

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Screw Threads Terminology

Screw thread is a continuous helical groove of specified cross-section produced on the external or internal surface. A screw thread formed on a cylinder is known as straight or parallel screw thread, while screw thread formed on a cone or frustum is known as tapered screw thread. Axis of a thread: This is a imaginary line running longitudinally…

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Rolling Types

Rolling Rolling is a type of motion with respect to the surface it combines the translation and rotation of the object. During rolling there is no sliding at that case we can say that is pure rolling, if any sliding is observe during the process than we can see the deformation related to the area…

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MRP Terminology and Lot Sizing Techniques

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a computer based inventory management technique used for determining the quantity and timing for the acquisition of dependent demand items needed to satisfy master schedule requirements. The Terminology used in MRP are: Dependent Demand: Demand for components that is derived from the demand of other items. Parent and component items: A parent…

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