Nuclear Leaks

These days, nuclear technology is used in several applications. Some of these include: medicinal, power and of-course military. Out of these, nuclear energy based power is getting popular. In any case, because of growth in applications, based on nuclear technology, there are several nuclear installations being found at industrial scale. In general, nuclear installations are highly…

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Finally: In case of a fire: 1.    DO NOT PANIC 2.    Decide your strategy. 3.    If you want to fight: 1.    With What 2.    How 3.    Which arm (of the fire triangle) to fight 4.    Or, you might want to flee (evacuate) Remember, all the conditions might not be met, e.g. to stay upwind, you might have to get away from the…

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If You Want To Help

If you want to help in case of a fire-incident, you could help in one of the following ways: 1.    direct help in fighting the fire (if you are able, and, are knowledgeable in fire-fighting) 2.    provide background logistics support 3.    inform the local fire station 4.    help in crowd-control, and, keeping the curious onlookers at bay 5.    help in directing…

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When On Road

When on road: 1.    Always give way to fire-engines. 2.    Even if you are not coming directly in the way of fire-engines, goto the extreme side of the road, and, stop your vehicle – to let the fire-engine pass. 3.    Do not rubber-neck/crowd the site of a fire incident: as you could hamper movement of rescue teams/material

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During The Fire

So, there could be a possibility that many people are not going to take part in fighting against a fire. These people need to evacuate. Hence, there needs to be an evacuation plan in place. This evacuation plan should be in place – before the incident of fire. The evacuation plan should have the following…

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Using An Extinguisher

So, now that you have decided how to fight a fire, and, what kind of extinguishers to use, lets see, how to use an extinguisher. Most extinguishers are based on PASS System. 1.    “P” -> Pull the Pin on the extinguisher. This pin is kept to prevent accidental discharge while carrying/transporting the extinguishers. 2.    “A” -> Aim the nozzle…

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Types Of Fire Extinguishers

Water Based Foam Based CO2 Based CFC Based Dry Chemical Based Water Based These are most effective on Class A fires. On Class B fires, these are mostly ineffective. This is because, oil/petrol/gasoline etc. being lighter than water continues to float over water, and, thus, it continues to burn. In some cases, use of water based…

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Conditions Needed For A Fire

For a fire to take shape (as well as continue), the following three conditions should be met: 1.    A combustible material 2.    A specific temperature at which the above material would burn 3.    Some fuel (mostly oxygen) to aid the burning When petrol/gasoline is burning, the petrol/gasoline is the combustible material, and, the atmosphere provides the fuel (oxygen)….

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