DC Servo Motors | Theory of DC Servo Motor

As we know that any electrical motor can be utilized as servo motor if it is controlled by servomechanism. Likewise, if we control a DC motor by means of servomechanism, it would be referred as DC servo motor. There are different types of DC motor, such shunt wound DC motor, series DC motor, Separately excited DC motor, permanent magnet DC motor, Brushless DC motor etc. Among all mainly separately…

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Servomechanism | Theory and Working Principle of Servo Motor

Servo Motor Working Principle Before understanding the working principle of servo motor we should understand first the basic of servomechanism.Servomechanism A servo system mainly consists of three basic components – a controlled device, a output sensor, a feedback system.This is an automatic closed loop control system. Here instead of controlling a device by applying the variable input signal, the…

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What is Servo Motor?

What is Servo Motor? This is nothing but a simple electrical motor, controlled with the help of servomechanism. If the motor as controlled device, associated with servomechanism is DC motor, then it is commonly known DC Servo Motor. If the controlled motor is operated by AC, it is called AC Servo Motor. Servo Motor Theory There are…

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