• Towards the end of World War II, night raids sometimes on civilian areas were ver y common
• The deaths caused by Atom bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki were not more than the deaths caused by single air raids in World War II
• But they were horrible because of their power in rapid delivery of destructive power in immense concentration
• Hiroshima Bomb – equivalent to 20000T of TNT powder carried on 267 bogies of railroad (2 miles long) for one bomb – again equivalent to 740-B52 bombers to carry this load.
• USSR exploded Hydrogen bombs in 1960 – 50 & 60 mega ton range for tests with capabilities such as:
2000 to 3000 times powerful than Hiroshima bomb
4000 to 6000 miles long train required to carry an equivalent amount of TNT
powder which will take 100 hours to pass any point
Will require one and a half million planes +(bombers) to carry the powder
Towards the end of cold war
USSR had 5800 megatons (9500 warheads on 2700 launchers) and
USA had 3300 megatons (10800 warheads on 2000 launchers)