Benefits to MNCs: • Inexpensive labor • Availability of natural resources • Favorable tax conditions • Fresh markets for products Benefits to developing host countries: • New jobs • Greater pay and greater challenge • Transfer of advanced technology • Social benefits from sharing wealth
On December 3, 1984, Union Carbide's pesticide-manufacturing plant in Bhopal, India leaked 40 tons of the deadly gas, methyl isocyanate into a sleeping, impoverished community - killing 2,500 within a few days, 10000 permanently disabled and injuring 100,000 people. Ten years later, it increased to 4000 to 7000 deaths and injuries to 600,000. Risks taken: • Storage tank of Methyl Isocyanate gas was filled to more than 75% capacity as against Union Carbide’s spec. that it should never be more than 60% full. • The company’s West Virginia plant was controlling the safety systems and detected leakages thro’ computers but the Bhopal plant only used manual labour for control and leak detection. • The Methyl Isocyanate gas, being highly concentrated, burns parts of body with which it comes into contact, even blinding eyes and destroying lungs. Causal Factors: • Three protective systems out of service • Plant was understaffed due to costs. • Very high inventory of MIC, an extremely toxic material. • The accident occurred in the early morning.…
The right to original literary and artistic works • Literary, written material • Dramatic, musical or artistic works • Films and audio-visual materials • Sound recordings • Computer Programmes/software • SOME databases Example: Picasso’s Guernica, Microsoft code, Lord of the Rings
- Discrimination generally means preference on the grounds of sex, race, skin color, age or religious outlook. - In everyday speech, it has come to mean morally unjustified treatment of people on arbitrary or irrelevant grounds. - Therefore to call something ‘Discrimination” is to condemn it. - But when the question of justification arises, we will call it ‘Preferential Treatment’.