How GPR Works

Ground penetrating radar operates by transmitting pulses of ultra-high frequency radio waves (microwave electromagnetic energy) down into the ground through a transducer (also called an antenna). The ground penetrating radar antenna (transducer) is pulled along the ground by hand or behind an ATV or a vehicle. The transmitted energy is reflected from various buried objects…

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Display – Analog Meter

Analog instruments are the simplest of the instruments available for eddy current inspections. They are used for crack detection, corrosion inspection, or conductivity testing. These types of instruments contain a simple bridge circuit, which compares a balancing load to that measured on the test specimen. If any changes in the test specimen occur which deviate…

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Data Display

Software-based AE systems are able to generate graphical displays for analysis of the signals recorded during AE inspection. These displays provide valuable information about the detected events and can be classified into four categories: location, activity, intensity, and data quality (crossplots). Location displays identify the origin of the detected AE events. These can be graphed…

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NDT Test Methods

Test method names often refer to the type of penetrating medium or the equipment used to perform that test. Current NDT methods are: Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiographic Testing (RT), Visual Testing (VT). Acoustic Emission Testing (AE), Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Guided Wave Testing (GW),  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR),…

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