What are the 4 ways to resolve conflicts among persons suggested by Harvard Negotiation Project?

1)  People: Separate people from the problem. Even though both the people and the problem are important, the personal aspect of the  conflict  should  be  separated  from  the  problem  to  deal  with  it  better.  On personality clashes, the focus should be on behaviour and not on people. 2)  Interests: Focus on interests and not position\s This principle…

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Can conflicts be managed by force or authority? How are different conflicts resolved?

–           ‘I am in-charge – see it my way or I will fire you’. This is generally perceived as self- defeating. –           Conflict arrangement  sometimes means tolerating and even inviting some forms of conflict –           Manager’s task is to create climate in which conflicts are addressed constructively –           Personality conflicts are ranked relatively low in intensity but they are…

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What are the most common conflicts?

–          Conflicts over schedules, depending mostly on support depts. but where managers do not have any control. –           Conflicts over which is the most important dept or function at a given time –           Conflicts over personnel resources –           Conflicts over technical issues –           Conflicts over administrative procedures –           Personality conflicts –           Conflicts over costs

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What steps can be taken to improve the ethical climate by managers?

1.   Ethical values and their full complexity are widely acknowledged and appreciated by managers   and   engineers.   Neither   profits   nor   promoting   the   interests   of   the organization is neglected  but the moral  limits on profit-seeking  go beyond  simply obeying the law and avoiding fraud. 2.   The sincere use of ethical language is recognized as a legitimate part of corporate…

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Explain how Ethical Climate is promoted in organizations through examples.

There are highly ethical organizations, examples of some of which are given below: 1. Marilyn Hamilton, founded Quickie Designs in 1980, who was a teacher and athlete who was paralyzed in  hang-gliding  accident.  A highly mobile  and  versatile  wheel  chair  was designed weighing 26 pounds, half the weight of chairs that were currently produced. The company…

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‘Managers’ responsibility is to conduct business to increase profits’. Discuss.

• Nobel  laureate  Milton  Friedman  said  ‘The  social  responsibility  of  business  is  to increase  its profits…….  The  responsibility  of managers  is  to  conduct  business  in accordance with their stockholders’ desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to he basic rules of society, both those embodied in law and those…

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Why managements prefer to make engineers as managers than non-engineers? / Why engineers find management positions attractive?

Engineers undergo the most intensive technical  training  amongst  professionals.  But still, many of them move to managerial positions early in their career for which they received no training. Organizations  find  it  easier  to  teach  the  business  side  to  engineers  than  teaching engineering to non-engineers. They  also  value  the  quantitative  analysis,  strong  work-ethics,  and  confidence  in…

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Which studies are more useful to ‘engineer managers’ than even engineering?

Richard L.Meehan, a civil engg graduate from MIT, was retained by General Electric as a consultant  to testify before Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission  about the capability of GE’s nuclear plant in California, U.S.A. to withstand earthquakes. He found, while trying to understand the effect of earthquakes on nuclear plants, that 1.   His basic study of physics is…

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Explain the problems of defense industry with examples.

1.   Large military build-ups: $2 billion cost overrun on the development of C5-A cargo plane reported to the public by Ernest Fitzgerald due to poor operating efficiencies in defense industry. He pointed out how large suppliers felt secure in not complying to cost-cutting plans but small contractors were willing.    25%  firms  hold  50%of  all defense …

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