List of Boiler Mounting Valves and Gauges

To provide for intelligent and safe operation of a boiler, a full complement of gauges and safety devices should be provided. These include: ●      Water gauge (water level indicator) ●      Pressure gauges. ●      Safety valves: ●      Dead weight safety valve: ●      Spring loaded safety valve ●      Lever safety valve ●      High steam low water safety valve ●      Fusible plug ●      Feed check valve ●      Stop…

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Fusible plug

The function of the fusible plug is to put-off the fire in the furnace of the boiler when the water level falls below an unsafe level and thus avoid the explosion which may take place due to overhearing of the tubes and the shell. Description of fusible plug: It consists of a hollow gun metal…

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Safety valves

Safety valves are devices used to maintain a constant safe pressure inside the boiler. When the pressure inside the boiler increases, the excess steam will escape to the atmosphere through the valve automatically. Generally, a boiler is provided with two safety valves. There are four different types of safety valves, viz., 1.    Dead weight safety valves 2.    Lever…

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Bourdon tube Pressure Gauge

Principle of Bourdon tube pressure gauge: when an elastic transducer ( bourdon tube in this case ) is subjected to a pressure, it defects. This deflection is proportional to the applied pressure when calibrated. Description of Bourdon tube Pressure Gauge: The main parts of this instruments are as follows: An elastic transducer, that is bourdon tube which is…

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Pressure gauge

A pressure gauge is used to indicate the steam pressure of the boiler. It is also called as steam gauge. It is usually mounted in the front top of the steam drum. Figure shows a commonly used pressure gauge known as bourdon type. It consists of an elastic metallic bourdon spring tube S of elliptical…

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