When the stress is removed, the material returns to the dimension it had before the loadwas applied. Valid for small strains (except the case of rubbers).Deformation is reversible, non permanent
Diffraction occurs when a wave encounters a series of regularly spaced obstacles that (1) are capable of scattering the wave, and (2) have spacings that are comparable in magnitude to the wavelength. Furthermore, diffraction is a consequence of specific phase relationships established between two or more waves that have been scattered by the obstacles. The magnitude of the distance between two adjacent and parallel planes of atoms (i.e., the interplanar spacing ) is a function of the Miller indices (h, k, and l) as well as the lattice parameter(s). For example, for crystal structures that have cubic symmetry
Point Defects Vacancies and Self-Interstitials A vacancy is a lattice position that is vacant because the atom is missing. It is createdwhen the solid is formed. There are other ways of making a vacancy, but they also occur naturally as a result of thermal vibrations. An interstitial is an atom that occupies a place outside the normal lattice position. It maybe the same type of atom as the others (self interstitial) or an impurity atom. In the case of vacancies and interstitials, there is a change in the coordination of atoms around the defect. This means that the forces are not balanced in the same way as for other atoms in the solid, which results in lattice distortion around the…
A system of notation is required to identify particular direction(s) or plane(s) to characterize the arrangement of atoms in a unit cell Rules for Miller Indices (Planes) 1. Determine the intercepts of the face along the crystallographic axes, in terms of unit cell dimensions. 2. Take the reciprocals 3. Clear ractions 4. Reduce to lowest terms 5. For example, if the x-, y-, and z- intercepts are 2, 1, and 3, the Miller indices are calculated as: 6. Take reciprocals: 1/2, 1/1, 1/3 7. Clear fractions (multiply by 6):…
Single Crystals Crystals can be single crystals where the whole solid is one crystal. Then it has a regular geometric structure with flat faces. Polycrystalline Materials A solid can be composed of many crystalline grains, not aligned with each other. It is called polycrystalline. The grains can be more or less aligned with respect to each other. Where they meet is called a grain boundary. Non-Crystalline Solids In amorphous solids, there is no long-range order. But amorphous does not mean random, since the distance between atoms cannot be smaller than the size of the hard spheres. Also, in many cases there is some form of short-range order. For instance, the tetragonal order of crystalline SiO2(quartz) is still apparent in amorphous SiO2 (silica glass.)
Important properties of the unit cells are - The type of atoms and their radii R. - Cell dimensions (side a in cubic cells, side of base a and height c in HCP) in terms of R. - n, number of atoms per unit cell. For an atom that is shared with m adjacent unit cells, we only count a fraction of the atom, 1/m. - CN, the coordination number, which is the number of closest neighbors to which an atom is bonded.…
When the crystal systems are combined with the various possible lattice centerings, we arrive at the Bravais lattices. They describe the geometric arrangement of the lattice points, and thereby the translational symmetry of the crystal. In three dimensions, there are 14 unique Bravais lattices that are distinct from one another in the translational symmetry they contain. All crystalline materials recognized until now (not including quasicrystals) fit in one of these arrangements. The fourteen three-dimensional lattices, classified by crystal system, are shown above. The Bravais lattices are sometimes referred to as space lattices. The crystal structure consists of the same group of atoms, the basis, positioned around each and every lattice point. This group of atoms therefore repeats indefinitely in three dimensions according to the arrangement of one of the 14 Bravais lattices. The characteristic rotation and mirror symmetries of the group of atoms, or unit cell, is described by its crystallographic point group.
Crystal Structures: Atoms self-organize in crystals, most of the time. The crystalline lattice is a periodic array of the atoms. When the solid is not crystalline, it is called amorphous. Examples of crystalline solids are metals, diamond and other precious stones, ice, graphite. Examples of amorphous solids are glass, amorphous carbon (a-C), amorphous Si, most plastics To discuss crystalline structures it is useful to consider atoms as being hard spheres, with well-defined radii. In this scheme, the shortest distance between two like atoms is one diameter. Crystal Lattice is used to represent a three-dimensional periodic array of points coinciding with atom…
Fluctuating Induced Dipole Bonds Since the electrons may be on one side of the atom or the other, a dipole is formed: the + nucleus at the center, and the electron outside. Since the electron moves, the dipole fluctuates. This fluctuation in atom A produces a fluctuating electric field that is felt by the electrons of an adjacent atom, B. Atom B then polarizes so that its outer electrons are on the side of the atom closest to the + side (or opposite to the – side) of the dipole in A. This bond is called van der Waals bonding. Polar Molecule-Induced Dipole Bonds A polar molecule like H2O (Hs are partially +, O is partially), will induce a dipole in a nearby atom, leading to bonding.…
In metals, the atoms are ionized, losing some electrons from the valence band. Those electrons form an electron sea, which binds the charged nuclei in place, in a similar way that the electrons in between the H atoms in the H2 molecule bind the protons.