Types of Elements Used in FEA

Elements fall into four major categories: 2D line elements, 2D planar elements, and 3D solid elements which are all used to define geometry; and special elements used to apply boundary conditions. For example special elements might include gap elements to specify a gap between two pieces of geometry. Spring elements are used to apply a…

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A Brief Discussion of Ratcheting

A review of available plasticity models in general finite element analysis (FEA) codes like ANSYS shows that there are a number of different plasticity models, including various types of hardening. Linear, multi-linear, and nonlinear hardening models are available; what is the difference and does it really matter? And, what is a Chaboche and how do you pronounce it? For…

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Composites Analysis – Needed from Fiber to Finished Form

Use of fiber reinforced composites as primary structure in a variety of engineering applications has grown very quickly over the past decade.  In the not too distant past, my elder designer colleagues exclaimed composites were “black aluminum” or “rags and glue,” when I mentioned the potential for using epoxy reinforced carbon, aramid, or glass fiber for a particular application.  Today, composite…

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