Bipolar Stepper Motor

Stepper motors are available in three basic configurations: 1.  Universal Stepper Motor-A universal stepper motor can be connected as a bipolar or a uni-polar stepper motor. 2.  Uni-polar Stepper Motor-A Uni-polar stepper motor can be used as uni-polar or a bipolar stepper motor. 3.  Bipolar stepper Motor-A bipolar stepper motor can only be used as a bipolar. Bipolar Stepper Basics A bipolar…

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Control of Electrical Drives

Electrical drives have become the most essential equipment now days in the electrical motors and other rotating machines. We know that electrical drives mainly accomplishes three kinds of work, 1.  Starting 2.  Speed control 3.  Braking It can be said that the electrical drives enable us to control the motor in every aspect. But control of electrical drives is also necessary…

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DC Motor Drives

Everywhere DC motors are used in large applications, the use of drives are very necessary for the smooth running and operating of these motors. The DC motor drives are used mainly for good speed regulation, frequent starting, braking and reversing. Before enlisting the practical applications of the drives used for DC motors, we will discuss about the different operation…

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Induction Motor Drives | Starting Braking Speed Control of Induction Motor

Before discussing about the induction motor drives we have to understand and know about induction motors. In very simple words induction motors can be described as a three phase, self starting constant speed AC motors. The reason of describing induction motors as constant speed is because normally these motors have a constant speed depending on the frequency of…

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Induction Motor Braking Regenerative Plugging Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor

Induction motors are used at various places. Speed control of induction motors is quite difficult and that’s why their use was restricted and DC motors had to be used as their speed regulation was possible. But when induction motor drives were invented and implemented, they were given preference because of many advantages over DC motors. Whenever controlling of…

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