Question Set 74

1. How pipe flanges are electrically insulated?

Pipe flanges are protected from corrosion by means of electrolysis, with dielectric flanges. The piping system is electrically insulated by what is called a sacrificial anode. A bag of readily corrodible metal is buried in the ground with a wire running from the pipe to the bag so that the sacrificial anode will corrode first. If any electrical current charges the pipe, it also serves as a ground.

2. What is a Process Flow Diagram?

A Process Flow Diagram (or System Flow Diagram) shows the relationships between the major components in the system. It also has basic information concerning the material balance for the process.

3. Where pneumatic system is used?

Any system needs redundancy in work needs pneumatics, because the compressor of the pneumatic system has periodical operations (intermittent work, not as hydraulic pump). The compressed air could be accumulated in tanks with high pressures and used even if the compressor failed.

4. Why gas containers are mostly cylindrical in shape?

The most efficient shape for withstanding high pressure is a sphere but that would be costly to manufacture. A cylinder with a domed top and a domed bottom (look underneath, the flat base is actually welded around the outside, the bottom of the gas container is actually domed) is a much cheaper shape to manufacture whilst still having good strength to resist the internal gas pressure.

5. How is martensite structure formed in steel?

Martensite transformation begins when austenite is cooled below a certain critical temperature, called the matrensite start temperature. As we go below the martensite start temperature, more and more martensite forms and complete transformation occurs only at a temperature called martensire finish temperature. Formation of martensite requires that the austenite phase must be cooled rapidly.

6. What is an ortographic drawing?

Orthographic projections are views of a 3D object, showing 3 faces of it. The 3 drawings are aligned so that if the page were folded, it would create part of the shape. It is also called multiview projections.

The 3 faces of an object consist of its plan view, front view and side view. There are 2 types of orthographic projection, which are 1st angle projection and 3rd angle projection.

7. What is representative elementary volume?

Smallest volume over which measurements can be made that will yield a representative of the whole.

 8. Why are LNG pipes curved?

LNG pipes are curved because LNG is condensed gas (-164 deg cel) so it can expand the pipes that is what engineers designed the LNG pipes are curve type.

9. What does angular momentum mean?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed.

Momentum is the velocity of an object times it is mass, or how fast something is moving how much it weigh. Therefore, angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

10. Can you use motor oil in a hydraulic system?

Hydraulic fluid has to pass a different set of standards than motor oil. Motor oil has tackifiers, lower sulfur content, and other ingredients that could prove harmful to the seals and other components in a hydraulic system. If it is an emergency only should you do it.

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