Question Set 5

Question No. 1

What is Annealing?       


It is a process of heating a material above the re-crystallization temperature and cooling after a specific time interval. This increases the hardness and strength if the material.

Question No. 2

Define Torque.


Torque is defined as a force applied to an object those results in rotational motion.

Question No. 3

What is Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature?


It is the temperature below which the tendency of a material to fracture increases rather than forming. Below this temperature the material loses its ductility. It is also called Nil Ductility Temperature.

Question No. 4

What is Auto Dosing?


Auto dosing is an automated system of feeding the equipment with liquid products. It is the ideal way to ensure the correct calibrated dose at the right time every time in auto.

Question No. 5  

Difference between Codes, Standards and Specifications.


(A) Code is procedure of acceptance and rejection criteria.

(B) Standard is accepted values and compare other with it.

(C) Specification is describing properties of any type of materials.

Question No. 6

Which is heavier 1kg of Iron or 1kg of Cotton? And why?


Both of them have same weight. The only difference is the volume of Iron is small compared to Cotton.

Question No. 7

What is the difference between Pipe and Tube?


Ex. Iron Pipe, Carbon Tube, Steel Tube etc.

(A)  Tube is defined by Outer diameter and Wall thickness (OD and WT). While Pipe is defined by  Inner diameter (ID).

Example: 2 Inch pipe have 2.375 inch outer diameter, where 2 inch tube have same 2 inch outer diameter.

(B) Tube is easily shaped by bending, where Pipe needs some mechanical work to shape it.

(C) Tube is tight then Pipe.

(D) Tube is applicable to non cylindrical sections like Square and Rectangular.

Question No. 8

How does Welding damage Eye sight?


An Electric welding arc produces Ultraviolet light and the UV light (Sun burn) will damage the retina. Welding shields or Goggles with the proper shade (Automatic shading) of lens is the best protection for welders. Light filtering curtains and reduced reflective surfaces help protect both welders and observers in the area.

Question No. 9

Explain why BCC, FCC and CPH lattice packing and features of grain structure affect the Ductility and Brittleness of parent metallic materials?


Ductility is the mechanical property of a material. (It is the material’s ability to deform under the tensile stress without fracture). So it is depends on the atoms how they arranged in a lattice and its grain size. The ability to absorb the energy of the impact and fracture resistance depends on the arrangement of the atoms in a lattice and features of grain structure.

Question No. 10

Why do you have Truss Bridges?


Truss bridges carry load in tension and compression rather than bending (Self weight

+ the weight of vehicles crossing it + Wind loads). A truss has the ability to dissipate a load through the truss work. The beams are usually arranged in a repeated triangular pattern, since a triangle cannot be distorted by stress.

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