Shortcut Keys for TEXT in Auto-CAD Drawing

Shortcut Keys for TEXT in Auto-CAD Drawing

      To PerformCommandShortcut
Single line dynamic text – Justify/Align to fit within text lineDTEXTDT
Opens find and replace dialogue boxFINDFIND
Change the justification point without moving textJUSTIFYTEXTJUSTIFYTEXT
Mirrtext 0 to turn offT MIRRTEXTMIRRTEX
Scales text without moving the text insertion pointSCALETEXTSCALETEXT
Performs spell check – ALL checks all text in drawingSPELLCHECKSPELL
Opens text style dialogue boxSTYLEST
Multiline/paragraph textMTEXTT or MT
Places circle, slot, or rectangle around each selected text objectTCIRCLETCIRCLE
Single line dynamic textDTEXTTEXT
Stretches/shrinks text by selecting new start and/or end pointsTEXTFITTEXTFIT
Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objectsTORIENTTORIENT
Masks part of drawing for clarityWIPEOUTWIPEOUT
Diameter dimensioning symbolØ%%C
Degrees symbol°%%D
Toggles over score mode on/offOVERSCORE%%O
Plus/minus symbol±%%P
Toggles underscore on/offUNDERSCORE%%U
To fit or align text in a defined area use DTEXT and select JUSTIFY/ALIGN or FIT – very useful if text is enclosed by a rectangle/ circle/etc.


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