To Perform | Command | Shortcut |
Draw an arc with 3 points | ARC | A |
Calculate the area | AREA | AA |
Align an object with another | ALIGN | AL |
Opens application load dialogue box | APPLOAD | AP |
Make multiple copies of an object | ARRAY | AR |
Opens Ariel view of drawing | DSVIEWER | AV |
Opens attribute definition dialogue box | ATTDEF | ATT |
Audit drawing for errors | AUDIT | AUDIT |
Edit attribute values for a specific block | ATTEDIT | ATTEDIT |
Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block | BLOCK | B |
Closes the block editor | BCLOSE | BC |
Opens the edit block definition dialogue box | BEDIT | BE |
Opens block attribute manager | BATTMAN | BATTMAN |
Displays attribute order dialogue box | BATTORDER | BATTORDER |
Counts the blocks in a drawing | BCOUNT | BCOUNT |
Draw a boundary | BOUNDARY | BO |
Break a line by defining 2 points | BREAK | BR |
Draw a circle | CIRCLE | C |
Copy object | COPY | CO or CP |
Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines | CHAMFER | CHA |
Opens select colour dialogue box | COLOR | COL |
Copy object from one layer to another | COPYTOLAYER | COPYTOLAYER |
Opens dimension style manager | DIMSTYLE | D |
Opens design centre | ADCENTER | DC |
Calculate a distance and angle | DIST | DI |
Draw a solid donut shape | DONUT | DO |
Single line text | TEXT | DT |
Inserts point node a set division | DIVIDE | DIV |
Opens point style dialogue box | DDPTYPE | DDPTYPE |
Erase selection | ERASE | E |
Draw an ellipse | ELLIPSE | EL |
Extend a line to meet another | EXTEND | EX |
Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks | EATTEXT | EATTEXT |
Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines | FILLET | F |
Converts 3D to 2D | FLATTEN | FLATTEN |
Opens object grouping dialogue | GROUP | G |
Global attribute edit of multiple blocks | GATTE | GATTE |
Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box | HATCH | H |
Opens insert dialogue to insert a block | INSERT | I |
Insert a block by name | INSERT | -I |
Display the co-ordinate values of a point | ID | ID |
Launches image manager | IMAGE | IM |
Joins 2 objects to form single object | JOIN | J |
Creates a JPEG file of current drawing | JPGOUT | JPGOUT |
Draw a line | LINE | L |
Opens layer manager | LAYER | LA |
Draw a leader line | QLEADER | LE |
Display information about objects in a text window | LIST | LI or LS |
Creates a new layout tab | LAYOUT | LO |
Change the line type scale | LTS scale | LTS |
Lengthen or shorten a line | LENGTHEN | LEN |
Leader line with annotation | LEADER | LEAD |
Change objects to current layer | LAYERCURRENT | LAYCUR |
Delete a layer by selecting object | LAYERDELETE | LAYDEL |
Freeze a layer by selecting object | LAYERFREEZE | LAYFRZ |
Isolates a layer by selecting object | LAYERISOLATE | LAYISO |
Lock a layer by selecting object | LAYERLOCK | LAYLCK |
Match properties of a layer | LAYERMATCH | LAYMCH |
Moves objects from first layer to second and deletes first | LAYERMERGE | LAYMRG |
Switches a layer off | LAYEROFF | LAYOFF |
Switches all layers on except frozen layers | LAYERON | LAYON |
Restores previous layer state | LAYERPREVIOUS | LAYERP |
Thaws all layers | LAYTHW | LAYTHW |
Walk through layers | LAYERWALK | LAYWALK |
Access Layer manager to save and restore layer states | LMAN | LMAN |
Move an object | MOVE | M |
Match properties of an object | MATCHPROPERTIES | MA |
Inserts point node at input distance | MEASURE | ME |
Mirror an object | MIRROR | MI |
Draw multi lines | MLINE | ML |
Insert block in rectangular array | MINSERT | MINSERT |
Calculate the region/mass properties of a solid | MASSPROP | MASSPROP |
Offset an object by distance | OFFSET | O |
Launches options dialogue box | OPTIONS | OP |
Pan in drawing | PAN | P |
Edit a poly line | POLYEDIT | PE |
Draw a poly line – a complex line | PLINE | PL |
Point marker or node | POINT | PO |
Draw a regular polygon 3 to 1024 sides | POLYGON | POL |
Opens properties dialogue box | PROPERTIES | PR |
Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements | PURGE | PU |
Preview a plot | PREVIEW | PRE |
Opens plot/print dialogue box | PLOT | PLOT |
Rotate an object | ROTATE | RO |
Construction line in one direction | RAY | RAY |
Draw a rectangle | RECTANG | REC |
Region – for example, shading | REGION | REG |
Edit a block reference in place | REFEDIT | REFEDIT |
Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc | RENAME | REN |
Revision cloud – note can select a poly line | REVCLOUD | REVCLOUD |
Stretch an object | STRETCH | S |
Scale an object | SCALE | SC |
Spell check a selection – ALL to check entire drawing | SPELL | SP |
Spline or smooth curve along points | SPLINE | SPL |
Multi-line text | MTEXT | T |
Opens insert a table dialogue box | TABLE | TB |
Trim objects | TRIM | TR |
Displays tool palette | TOOLPALETTES | TP |
Undo last command | UNDO | U |
Opens units dialogue box | UNITS | UN |
Opens view dialogue box | VIEW | V |
Write a block – for use in other drawings | WBLOCK | W |
Masks part of drawing for clarity | WIPEOUT | WIPEOUT |
Displays who has a drawing open | WHOHAS | WHOHAS |
Explode single entity to component parts | EXPLODE | X |
Opens x-reference manager | XREF | XR |
Construction line of infinite length | XLINE | XL |
Lists type/block name/layer name/colour/line type of a nested object in a block or an xref | XLIST | XLIST |
Zoom in display – A=All, E=EXTENTS, W=WINDOW | ZOOM | Z |
Posted inCAD CAM