Industrial Policy Resolution 1956

Industrial Policy Resolution 1956

In April 1956, the Indian Parliament adopted Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 (IPR 1956). It is marked as the first comprehensive documented statement on industrial development of India. It systematizes three different groups of clearly defined industries.

The policy of 1956 regulated to design the basic economic policy for a very long time. The Five-Year Plans of India confirmed this fact. With respect to this Resolution, the establishment of a socialistic pattern of society was seen through the objective of the social and economic policy in India. It ensured more powers to the governmental authorities.

Companies were grouped into categories. These categories were −

●      Schedule A − Those companies which were considered as an exclusive responsibility of the state or the society.

●      Schedule B − Companies which were marked as progressively state-owned and in which the state would basically establish new companies, but in which private companies would be anticipated only to supplement the effort of the state.

●      Schedule C − The left companies and their future development would, in general, be neglected and would be entirely dependent to the initiative and enterprise of the private sector.

Even though there was a category of companies left to the private sector that is those companies that are above Schedule C. The sector was monitored by the state by a system of licenses. So to set up a new company or to widen production, obtaining a license from the government was a prerequisite to be fulfilled. Launching of new companies in economically backward areas was incentivized through easy licensing and subsidization of important inputs, like electricity and water. This step was taken to encounter regional differences that existed in the country. In fact, the license to boost the production was issued by convincing the government that the economy required more of the products and services.

Some other salient behavior of the IPR 1956 was fair and non-biased treatment for the private sector, motivating the village and small-scale companies, eradicating regional differences, and the requirement for the provision of amenities for labor, and attitude to foreign capital. This Industrial Policy of 1956 is also referred to as the Economic Constitution of the country.


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