Lami’s Theorem

In statics, Lami’s theorem is an equation that relates the magnitudes of three coplanar, concurrent and non-collinear forces, that keeps a body in static equilibrium.Lami’s theorem states that if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces.Consider three forces A, B, C…

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Hydraulic Coefficients

Hydraulic Coefficients include Coefficient of contraction, Coefficient of velocity, Coefficient of discharge and Coefficient of resistance. The following are the hydraulic coefficients: 1. Coefficient of contraction (Cc). It is defined as the ratio of area of jet at *vena contracta (ac) to the area of orifice (a). The point at which the streamlines first become parallel is called…

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Bernoulli’s Principle and Equation

During 17th century, Daniel Bernoulli investigated the forces present in a moving fluid, derived an equation and named it as an Bernoulli’s equation. Below image shows one of many forms of Bernoulli’s equation.The Bernoulli equation gives an approximate equation that is valid only in inviscid regions of flow where net viscous forces are negligibly small compared to inertial, gravitational or…

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