What are the difficulties in Decommissioning Weapons?

Explain the problems of defense industry with examples.

What are the Problems of Defense Industry in brief?

Illustrate the involvement of engineers in Weapons Development with examples.

Describe the destructive nature and power of weapons and their development?

How much is being spent in Defence expenditure and how Arms Trade gets promoted by private manufacturers of arms?

What should engineers do in taking part in Weapons development?

Give one argument each for and against Weapons Development?

What Professional Issues arise in Computer ethics?

How has law responded to computer abuses?

Describe how and in what ways ‘violation of privacy’ occurs in and through

Explain briefly about Data and Software with respect to property problems.

How the problem of embezzlement takes place through computers and why?

What problems are encountered in the use of computers with properties?

What shifts are caused in power relationships by Computers?

Define computer ethics?

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