Failure of Cutting Tools

Whenever the tool is not performing the machining operation satisfactorily, then there is a failure of cutting tool. The following draw backs are observed if the tool failure occurs. 1.      The tool ceases to produce the work-piece according to the required dimensions. 2.      The tool gets overheated. 3.      Excessive surface roughness is observed. 4.      Forces and power consumption increases. 5.      Sometimes the…

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Gas Tungsten-arc Welding (GTAW)

Gas Tungsten-arc Welding (GTAW) formerly known as TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, the filler metal is supplied from a filler wire as shown in the figure below. The tungsten electrode is not used during this welding operation, a constant and stable arc gap is maintained at a constant current level. The filler metals are similar to the…

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Axial Compressor

·         An axial compressor consists of a row of rotor blades followed by a row of stator blades and the working fluid traverses through these without significant change in radius change in radius. ·         The energy level of the fluid flowing through it is increased by the action of the rotor blades, which exert a torque on…

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Carburetor of an IC Engine

The carburettor is a device for atomising and vaporising the fuel and mixing it with the air in the varying proportions to suit the changing operating conditions of the engine. The process of breaking up and mixing the fuel with the air is called carburetion.  Components of carburettors usually include a storage chamber for liquid fuel, a…

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A turbocharger or turbo is a forced induction device used to allow more power to be produced for an engine of a given size. A turbocharged engine can be more powerful and efficient than a naturally aspirated engine because the turbine forces more intake air, proportionately more fuel, into the combustion chamber than if atmospheric…

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Spark plug is a device used to produce electric spark to ignite the compressed air fuel mixture inside the cylinder. The spark plug is screwed in the top of the cylinder so that it electrode project in the combustion chamber. SPARK PLUG Construction A spark plug comprises three main parts: the housing, insulator, and electrodes….

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Ultrasonic Test

High frequency ultrasonic (sound) waves are applied to the test piece by a Piezoelectric crystal. If  the  test  piece is  free  from  cracks,  or  flawless,  then  it  reflects  ultrasonic waves  without distortion. If there are any flaws in the specimen, the time taken by the ultrasonic waves will be less as the reflection of these waves will be from flaw points and not from the bottom of the specimen. Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to receive the sound signals, whose time base circuit is connected to it. Knowing the time interval between the transmission of the sound pulse and the reception of the echo signal, we can calculate the depth of the crack. This test is a very fast method of inspection and often used to test aerospace components and automobiles. This test is generally used to detect internal cracks like shrinkage cavities, hot tears, zones of corrosion and non-metallic inclusions.

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