Work Measurement in Production Management

The work measurement is the application of techniques to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified work at a defined level of performance. The objectives of work measurement are as follows: (a) To plan and schedule of production,                         (b) To formulate a proper incentive scheme, and (c) To estimate the selling prices and…

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Critical Path Method (CPM)

The critical path method (CPM) was first used by Morgan R. Walker in 1957. It helps in ascertaining time schedules, makes better and detailed planning possible, encourages discipline and provides a standard method for communicating project plans schedules and to time and cost performance. Critical path method (CPM) is a resource-utilization algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities. The…

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Industrial Engineering & Production Management

Introduction The production management deals with the design of the production system (which includes product, process, plant, equipment etc.) and development of the control system to manage inventories, product quality, production schedules and productivity. Industrial Engineering – Introduction The industrial engineering is an engineering approach to the detailed analysis of the use and cost of…

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Inventory Control in Production Planning

Inventory Control in Production Planning – The most important functions of inventory (stock) control are as follows : 1. to have good stock control system, 2. to have technical responsibility for the state of materials, 3. to run the stores effectively. In inventory control, the economic ordering quantity (EOQ) is obtained by the quantity whose procurement cost is equal to inventory carrying…

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Plant layout in Production

The plant layout in production planning/ management is the physical arrangement of buildings, machinery, equipment, work places and other facilities of production in order to process the product in the most efficient manner. According to Muther, the basic principles of best layout are integration, minimum movements and material handling, smooth and continuous flow, safe and improved…

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