Blending the old with the new, Toyota designs manual transmissions for electric cars

A new hydrogen powered hypersonic plane offers emission free rapid air transport

Ansys Innovation Courses Build a successful engineering career through simulations

Ford could fit its next gen vehicles with a pedal free manual transmission

New Lithium Metal Battery Could Revolutionize Electronics

A New Tiny EV Motor Strikes the Perfect Balance Between Power and Torque

A New 4000 HP Centrifugal Supercharger Can Reach 80,000 RPM

Slipper Clutch How Does it Work?

A New Internal Combustion Engine Produces Nearly Zero Harmful Emissions

A Novel Anti Rollover Tech Is a Lifesaver for Large Trucks

John Deere Fully Autonomous Tractor is Finally Here

A New Thermoelectric Generator Creates Electric Power by Wrapping Around Hot Pipes

BMW Fifth Generation Electric Motor Is a Magnet Free Masterpiece

Three Former SpaceX Engineers Are Designing New Ultra Efficient Autonomous Trains

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