Traits of an Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur has played several fundamental roles in economic development. Nevertheless, this may not have been possible if he did not possess some certain traits to distinguish him from other personalities. Entrepreneurial success depends on the management of your own self. For this you require certain traits, qualities or behavioral competencies. Barreto (1982) presents four groupings of the…

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Achieving Sustainable Entrepreneurship Development

There is a pervasive tendency to equate entrepreneurship development (ED) with self-employment. Many self-employed individuals are indeed entrepreneurs, but the majority are not. Their businesses are simply microenterprises in the informal sector, with little growth potential. The promotion of self-employment is a worthwhile objective, but it should not be confused with ED. Entrepreneurship development programmes…

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Product Launch

Launching a new product or service in the market is both exciting and a cautious effort on the part of the company. Before presenting the product to the masses, a few things are to be considered. Steps in Product Launch New strategies are required to get the attention one deserves. Following 10 steps are essential…

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Growth strategies or method to expand business also engages acquisition of other businesses. In acquisition, a company purchases another company to expand its functions. A small company uses this type of strategy to bolster its product line and enter new markets. An acquisition growth strategy is very risky, but not as risky as a diversification…

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Growth strategies in business involve diversification. By diversification, we mean a company selling new products in new markets. This type of strategy is highly prone to risk and losses. A small company acknowledges the plan carefully while utilizing a diversification growth strategy. Marketing research is important to identify if consumers in the new market will…

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Product Expansion

A small scale company can expand its line of products or add new features to increase sales and profits. When small companies use a product expansion technique, it is also referred as product development. The selling continues within the current market. A product expansion growth strategy basically works well when there is a change in…

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