The Purpose of Machine Design Topics

●      The Topics in Machine Design help students understand the fundamentals of designing the most commonly used parts, elements and units of various machines. Small components of machine on assembling make a big machine, hence the machine as a whole as well as its individual components have to be designed. ●      The knowledge of machine design helps…

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Thermodynamic Equilibrium

A thermodynamic system is said to exist in state of thermodynamic equilibrium when no change in any macroscopic property is registered, if the system is isolated from its surroundings.An isolated system always reaches in course of time a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and can never depart from its spontaneously.Therefore, there can be no spontaneous change…

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Operational Procedure For Vacuum Pumping System

brief procedure about operation of vacuum pumping system. The step by step procedure will ensure the proper functioning of the pump. This procedure is developed based on the reviews and experience of technicians of vacuum pump. Steps: 1. Switch ON mains 2. Switch ON Rotary Pump (RP) 3. Make sure Combination Valve (CV) is in CLOSE position and allow…

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Safety Precautions in Forging Shop

Some safety precautions in forging shop to followed while performing forging operation to avoid injuries and accidents are listed below: 1.      Always avoid the use of damaged hammers. 2.      Never try to strike a hardened surface with a hardened tool. 3.      No person should stand in line with the flying objects. 4.      Always use the proper tongs tool to grip and lift objects according to…

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Solid Fuels

The natural solid fuels are wood, peat, lignite or brown coal, bituminous coal and anthracite coal. The prepared solid fuels are wood charcoal, coke, briquetted coal and pulverised coal. These fuels are discussed, as follows: 1. Wood. It consists of mainly carbon and hydrogen. The wood is converted into coal when burnt in the absence of…

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Super Alloys

Super alloys are important in high temperature applications; hence, they are also known as heat-resistant or as high-temperature alloys. Applications: Major applications of this alloys are in reciprocating engines, in rocket engines, in tools and dies for hot-working of metals and in the nuclear, chemical and photochemical industries. Properties: They generally have good resistance to corrosion, to mechanical…

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A refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid, used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle that can extract heat from another body or substance. Ice, cold water, cold air etc. can be treated as a refrigerants. Desired Properties of a Refrigerant: 1. Vapor density: To enable use of smaller compressors and other equipment the…

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Properties of Good Lubricants

A lubricant is a substance introduced to reduce frictional force and heat generation between the surfaces in mutual contact, when the surfaces move. A good lubricating oil generally possess the following characteristics: 1.      Suitable Viscosity: The viscosity of oil should not change with rise in temperature. 2.      Oilness: It ensures the adherence to the bearings and spread over the…

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Properties of Commonly Used Refrigerants

1. Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is widely as refrigerant in mechanical systems refrigerant, marine services, hospitals etc. due to its excellent safety properties. It is odourless, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-explosive and non-corrosive. 2. Sulphur dioxide: Sulphur dioxide was widely used as refrigerant during early 20th century. However its use has been restricted now-a-days because of its…

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