1. What is meant by Conventional Machining Processes?
In conventional machining processes, metal is removed by using some sort of the tools which is harder than the work piece and is subjected to wear. In this process, tool and work piece being in direct contact with each other.
2. What is meant by Unconventional Machining Processes?
The Unconventional machining processes do not employ a conventional or traditional tool for metal removal; instead, they directly utilize some form of energy for metal machining. In this process, there is no direct physical contact between the tool and the work piece.
3. What is a thermal energy method of unconventional machining machining?
In these methods, heat energy is concentrated on a small area of the work piece to melt and vaporize the tiny bits of work material. The required shape is obtained by the continued repetition of this process.
Examples: LBM, PAM, EBM, IBM
4. What is an electro chemical energy method of unconventional machining machining?
In these methods, material is removed by ion displacement of the work piece material in contact with a chemical solution. Examples: ECM, ECG, ECH, ECD
5. What is a chemical energy method of unconventional machining?
The chemical energy methods involve controlled etching of the work piece
material in contact with a chemical solution.
Example: CHM
6. What is a mechanical energy method of unconventional machining?
In mechanical energy methods, the material is removed by mechanical erosion of the work piece material.
Examples: USM, AJM, WJM
7. List the unconventional machining process which uses mechanical energy?
1. Ultra Sonic Machining (USM)
2. Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)
3. Water Jet Machining (WJM)
8. List the unconventional machining process, which uses thermal or heat energy
9. List the Unconventional machining process, which uses Electro chemical energy?
1. Electro Chemical Machining (ECM)
2. Electro Chemical Grinding (ECG)
3. Electro Chemical Honing (ECH)
4. Electro Chemical Deburring (ECD)
10. What are the characteristics of unconventional machining process?
1. The Unconventional machining processes do not empty a conventional or traditional tool for metal removal; instead, they directly utilize some form of energy for metal machinery.
2. The tool material need not be harder than the work piece material.
3. A harder and difficult to machine materials such as carbides, stainless steel, nitralloy hastalloy and many other high strength temperature resistant alloys can be machined by unconventional machining processes.
11. Name the unconventional machining processes which are used to remove maximum material?
1. Electro Chemical Machining (ECM)
2. Plasma Arc Machining (PAM)
12. Name the unconventional machining process which is used to remove minimum material?
Electron Beam Machining
13. Name the unconventional machining process which consumes maximum power?
Laser Beam Machining
14. Name the unconventional machining process which consumes minimum power?
Plasma Arc Machining
15. Name the unconventional machining processes for machining following material?
1. Non metal like ceramic , Plastics and glass
2. Refractories
3. Titanium
4. Super alloys
5. Steel