Computers make more information available to more people. This makes protection of computer privacy difficult.
1. Inappropriate Access:
• Documents recorded for a crime which one did not commit but was arrested.
• As a child you were arrested for drinking alcohol
• Medical data about visits to a psychiatrist.
• A loan default to a National Bank.
Any of the above information can be accessed by, let us say, a prospective employer during a security check.
2. Data Bank Errors:
• Even erroneous information when generated by computers is taken to be authenticated.
• Immediate reaction to such wrong information may mostly prove to be incorrect.
3. Hackers:
• ‘Hackers’ are people who compulsively challenge any computer security system, choke networks, give out false information, etc.
• This can be extremely harmful.
• It is a violation of property rights.
• At the least, it reduces productivity by shutting down systems.
• Individual privacy, national security, freedom to protect proprietary information are three values requiring limits on access to information.