· An axial compressor consists of a row of rotor blades followed by a row of stator blades and the working fluid traverses through these without significant change in radius change in radius.
· The energy level of the fluid flowing through it is increased by the action of the rotor blades, which exert a torque on the fluid supplied by an external source.
· An axial compressor is a relatively low-pressure ratio turbomachine with higher mass flow rate as compared to a centrifugal compressor.
· The flow stream lines passing through the blading’s are nearly parallel to the shaft axis.
· Flow enters axially and discharges almost axially.
· The bl a de passages diverge from in l e t to exit, and hence the flow decelerates
· Due to density variation from inlet to exit, the compressor end walls have flare with flow area reducing from inlet to exit.
Single Stage Axial Compressor
Components of Axial Compressor
· Rotor S Rotor Stator
· stator
· Casing
· Shaft
Applications of axial
· Gas turbine
· Turbocharger
· Process industry
Multistage Axial Compressor
Transonic and Subsonic Axial Compressors
Axial Compressor Specification