Objectives of the study

Objectives of the study

The specific objectives of the study are:

1. To examine the opinion on the application of Total Quality Management components, viz., Leadership, Policy and strategy, Staff management, Team work, Training and development strategy, Resources and Processes to Library and Information Science Sector (LIS), with reference to management college libraries.

2. To compare opinion on the extent of application of TQM components among NAAC, NBA and EQUIS accredited management college libraries.

3. To analyse opinion on the extent of applications of TQM components among Govt., Private, UCC, Deemed University and Minority Institute of Management College Libraries

4. To examine the extent of facilities available at Management College Libraries for implementation of TQM components.

5. To examine the extent of services available at Management College Libraries for implementation of TQM components.

6. To compare opinion on the extent of TQM components applications in libraries with and without ISO 9001:2000 certification.

7. To examine the influence of various demographic factors on the opinion on TQM components applications in Management College Libraries.

8. To examine the influence of extent of facilities and services on adoption of TQM components among Management College Libraries.


Following hypotheses were formulated for the study;

H1: TQM applications in management colleges are up to the mark.

H2: Management colleges accredited by different agencies differ significantly in their TQM Scores.

H3: Management college libraries selected for the study have adequate facilities.

H4: Management college libraries selected for the study have adequate services.

H5: Different types of management college libraries differ significantly in their opinion on TQM scores.

H6: Management colleges with and without ISO certifications differ significantly in their opinion on TQM.

H7: Secondary variables such as establishment year, qualification, experience, gender and age significantly influence the perception on TQM.

H8: Management college libraries with inadequate, adequate and excellent infrastructural facilities differ significantly in their TQM adoption.

H9: Management college libraries with inadequate, adequate and excellent library services differ significantly in their TQM adoption.


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