Before getting to know what’s strength of material lets know what really material is?
Let us consider steel. Steel is a Material. Many things are made out of steel among which rods are most important in the field of construction which offer a good resistance to pulling load/ tensile load
Material is generally a substance from which the things are made…
Strength of material?
Every material is made of molecule which have cohesive bonds in between them which offer resistance when they are, either tend to move apart or closer to each other by the external loads (either pulling or pushing). This resistance offered by material to the applied loads is known as STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.
A body gets failure when the applied load is beyond the strength of the materials. hence the design is made such that the load is with in safe limit. There are many concepts like stress,strains which are to be studied to know about the strength of materials.
Why study strength of materials?
The major application of strength of materials is designing. Designing is exactly to determine the dimensions of the structures (slabs, pillars, footings etc..,) based on the loads (live loads, dead loads) received and the material being used.
How strength of material is different from the Statics and Dynamics?
In both statics and Dynamics, we study about the external properties, but in the strength of materials we study the internal properties due to applied load like stress, strain and deformation.
for e.g., statics and dynamics deals with velocity, acceleration and deceleration of bike, where strength of materials deals with the stress, strain and deformation caused.