When fighting a fire:
1. Always stay upwind: It protects you from heat, smoke etc. It allows you to go closer to fire – thus, being able to better direct your extinguishing agent. It protects you from inhalation of poisonous gases, which might be given out during the fire.
2. Keep under observation, even when the fire is extinguished. Smoldering particles can easily rekindle, thus, catching you off-guard.
3. Pour extinguishing agent in adequate quantity, rather than small quantities. Doing it in installments does not help. One discharge of 60 liters of water is not the same as two discharges of 30 liters each. E.g. If you have to pour 4 buckets of water, have the 4 buckets ready, and, pour all 4 buckets in one go. Instead, if you pour two buckets of water, refill them, and, pour again – its not the same.