Methods and Tools for the Temporal Analysis of Avionic Networks

Methods and Tools for the Temporal Analysis of Avionic Networks

Thanks to the Integrated Modular Avionics concept [ARI (1991; 1997)], functions developed for civilian aircraft share computation resources. However, the continual growing number of these functions implies a huge increase in the quantity of data exchanged and thus in the number of connections between functions. Consequently, traditional ARINC 429 buses [ARI (2001)] can’t cope with the communication needs of modern aircraft. Indeed, ARINC 429 is a single-emitter bus with limited bandwidth and a huge number of buses would be required. Clearly, this is unacceptable in terms of weight and complexity.In  order  to  cope  with  this  problem,  the  AFDX  (Avionics  Full  DupleX  Switched  Ethernet) [ARI (2002-2005)] was defined and has become the reference communication technology in the  context  of  avionics.  AFDX  is  a  full  duplex  switched  Ethernet  network  to  which  new mechanisms   have   been   added   in   order   to   guarantee   the   determinism   of   avionic communications.  This  determinism  has  to  be  proved  for  certification  reasons  and  an important challenge is to demonstrate that an upper bound can be determined for end-to- end communication delays.An  important  assumption  is  that  all  the  avionics  communication  needs  can  be  statically described: asynchronous multicast communication flows are identified and quantified. All these flows can be statically mapped on the network of AFDX switches. For a given flow, the end-to-end communication delay of a frame can be described as the sum of transmission delays  on  links  and  latencies  in  switches.  Thanks  to  full  duplex  links  characteristics,  no collision can occur on links and transmission delays on links depend solely on bandwidth and  frame  length.  But,  as  confluent  asynchronous  flows  compete,  on  each  switch  output port, highly variable latencies can occur when a frame crosses a switch. Thus it is necessary to   analyze   these   latencies   in   order   to   determine   the   upper   bounds   on   end-to-end communication delays for each flow. At least three approaches have been proposed in order to compute a worst-case bound for each  communication  flow  of the  avionic  applications  on  an  AFDX  network  configuration. They  are  based  on  network  calculus,  trajectories  and  model  checking.  Such  a  worst-case communication delay analysis allows the comparison between the computed upper bounds and  the  constraints  on  the  communication  delays  of  each  flow.  Moreover  it  allows  the scaling of  the switches memory buffers in order to avoid buffer overflow and frame losses. However, communication delays measured on a real configuration are much lower than the computed  upper  bound.  This  is  mainly  due  to  the  fact  that  rare  events  are  difficult  to observe on a real configuration in a reasonable time.

In order to better understand the real behavior of the AFDX network, a  simulation model of the   network   is   proposed   as   a   second   step.   Such   a   simulation   approach   allows   the calculation, on the modeled network, of the end-to-end delay for each flow, according to a representative  subset  of  possible  scenarios.  Thus  an  end-to-end  delay  distribution  can  be obtained  for  each  flow,  leading  to  a  better  understanding  of  communication  delays. However  such  an  approach  cannot  be  used  for  certification  needs  as  rare  events  can  be missed by simulation. This  chapter  summarizes  the  assumptions  of the  AFDX  network  technology  and  gives  an overview  of  the  different  approaches  which  are  used  for  the  temporal  analysis  of  such networks, i.e. the three approaches for the worst-case analysis and the simulation approach for  the  computation  of  the  distributions  of  the  end  to end  delays.  The  approaches  are illustrated  on  a  sample  configuration  and  results  on  a  realistic  avionic  configuration  are shown.

Theend-to-end delay analysis of an AFDXnetwork

This section gives a short overview of an AFDX network and characterizes the end-to-end delay of a flow transmitted on such a network.

Over view of an AFDX network

The  AFDX  (Avionics  Full  DupleX  Switched  Ethernet)  [ARI  (2002-2005)]  is  a  switched Ethernet   network   taking   into   account   avionic   constraints.   An   illustrative   example   is depicted in figure 1. It is composed of four interconnected switches S1 to S4. Each switch has no input buffers on input ports and one FIFO buffer for each output port. The inputs and outputs  of  the  network  are the  End  Systems  (e1  to  e8  in  Figure  1).  Each  end  system  is connected to exactly one switch port and each switch port is connected to at most one end system. Links between switches are all full duplex. The  end-to-end  traffic  characterization  is  made  by  the  definition  of  Virtual  Links.  As standardized  by  ARINC  664,  Virtual  Link  (VL)  is  a  concept  of  virtual  communication channel. Thus it is possible to statically define all the flows (VL) which enter the network [ARI (2002-2005)]. End systems exchange Ethernet frames through VLs. Switching a frame from a transmitting to a receiving end system is based on VL. The Virtual Link defines a logical unidirectional connection  from  one  source  end  system  to  one  or  more  destination  end  systems.  Coming back to the example in Figure 1, v4 is an unicast VL with path {e3 – S3 – S4 – e7}, while v6 is a multicast VL with paths {e1 – S1 – S2 – e6} and {e1 – S1 – S4 – e7}.

The routing is statically defined. Only one end system within the avionics network can be the source of one Virtual Link, (i.e. mono transmitter assumption). A VL definition also includes  the  Bandwidth  Allocation  Gap  (BAG(v)),  the  minimum  and  the  maximum  frame length (smin(v) and smax(v)). BAG(v) is the minimum delay between two consecutive frames of the associated VL (which actually defines a VL as a sporadic flow). VL parameters (BAG(v), smax(v)) compliance is ensured by a shaping unit at end system level and a traffic policing unit at each switch entry port (specificity of AFDX switches, compared to standard Ethernet switches). The delay incurred by the switching fabric is upper bounded by a constant value, i.e. 16 μs. A  realistic  AFDX  configuration  is  presented  and  analyzed  in  section  7.  It  includes  nearby one   thousand   VLs.   The   next   paragraph   characterizes   the   end-to-end   delay   of   a   VL transmitted on an AFDX network.


Let’s consider a path pof a VL v. The end-to-end delay D(Fvpx) of a frame Ftransmitted on pis defined by

dynamic characteristics, such as the sequence of frames which are emitted by each VL (the length of each frame) and the offsets between the different VLs, i.e. the emission instant of the first frame of each VL, as it is shown by the following example.Let’s consider the AFDX configuration in figure 2. This configuration includes five unicastVLs v1. . . v5. The parameters of these VLs – their BAGs, frames sizes and paths – are given in table  1.  The  bandwidth  of  every  link  is  100  Mb/s  (tbyte  =  0,08  μs).  Figure  3  exhibits  three possible scenarios for the transmission of the frames of the five VLs v1. . . v5 on the network in figure 2. The switching delay td is assumed to be null. This means that SD(Fipi) = 0 for every  frame  Fi  on  every  path  pi.  One  single  BAG  of  the  three  considered  scenarios  is depicted in figure 3. The analysis focuses on the end-to-end delay of the frame Fof VL v1 (the  path  is  p1  =  e1  –  s1  –  s3  –  e6).  When  the  length  of  F1  is  smax(v1)  (i.e. 500  bytes),  the transmission delay on the links LD(F1, p1) is 3 × (0,08 × 500) = 120 μs. When the length of Fis smin(v1) (i.e. 300 bytes), this transmission delay LD(F1, p1) is 3 × (0,08 × 300) = 72 μs. In figure 3, the frame Ffrom VL vi is denoted i.

In the scenario a, each VL vi emits a frame with the maximal length smax(vi). The end-to-end delay of F1  is 160 μs. It includes the transmission on links (120 μs) and the waiting time in output port buffers (40 μs). Indeed, Fwaits for frame Fin switch s1 and it waits for frame Fin switch s3. In the scenario b, the frames are generated at the same instants as in the scenario a, but the length of the frame Fof VL v1 is now 300 bytes. The end-to-end delay of Fis now 107 μs. It includes the transmissions on links (72 μs) and the waiting time in the output port buffer in switch s3 (35 μs). The scenarios and show that the length of a given frame can influence its waiting delay in output port buffers. In the scenario cv1, v2, v3 and v4 generate a frame with the maximal possible length (i.e.500 bytes), while v5 does not generate a frame. The instant where the frames from v1 and v2 are  generated  are  switched  in  comparison  with  the  two  previous  scenarios,  while  these intants are not modified for v3 and v4. In this scenario c, the frame Fof v1 does not wait in output port buffers. Consequently, its end-to-end delay is 120 μs, i.e. the transmission time on  links.  This  scenario  shows  that,  for  a  given  VL,  its  offset  to  the  other  VLs  and  the emission or non emission of frames by the other VLs influence its end-to-end delay. The end-to-end delay analysis of a path pof a VL has to take into account all the possible scenarios.  This  analysis  should  determine  the  following  characteristics  of  this  end-to-end delay.

•      The smallest possible value of the end-to-end delay, which corresponds to the scenarios where the VL emits a frame with minimal length smin(v) which never waits in output ports.  This  smallest  possible  value  is  denoted  Dmin(v,  px)  and  it  is  computed  from equations 1, 2 and 3:

The simulation approach for the distribution of end-to-end delays

A simulation scenario is characterized by the sequence of frames emitted by each VL and the offsets between the different VLs. It has been previously noted that a typical AFDX network includes around 1000 VLs. Clearly, this leads to a huge set of possible scenarios from which it is difficult to extract a representative subset. The resulting challenge is, for each VL path, to  focus  on  the  part  of  the  network  that  is  relevant  for  this  path’s  end-to-end  delay distribution in order to reduce the simulation space. This is a mandatory requirement for the simulation approach. It is fulfilled by means of the VLs taxonomy that is presented in the next section.

A taxonomy ofVLs

The basic idea of the taxonomy is that, given a path px of a VL vx, the other VLs do not have the  same  level  of  influence  on  it.  For  example,  a  vx  frame  can  wait  for  the  end  of transmission of another frame only if the latter shares at least one output port with px. The application of this idea is to focus the simulation on the VLs that influence the end-to-end delay distribution of vx frames.

The taxonomy is illustrated considering the unicast VL vx in figure 5. Its path px is e3-s3-s4-e8. The paths or portions of paths of other VLs of this AFDX configuration can be divided into three classes [Charara, Scharbarg & Fraboul (2006)], as depicted in figure 5.

Class DI (Direct Influence) contains all the paths that share at least one output buffer with px, truncated after the last output buffer shared with px. In figure 5, it contains the whole VL v7, path e1 – s1 – s4 – e8 of v6 and sub-paths e3 – s3 and e4 – s3 – s4 of v1 and v2 respectively.

•      Class  II  (Indirect  Influence)  contains  all  the  paths  or  portions  of  paths  that  share  no

 output buffer with px, but at least one output buffer with a DI or an I I path. In figure 5, sub-paths e1 – s1 of v8, e2 – s1 of v9 and e4 – s3 of v3 are classed as indirect influence portions of VL paths.

•     Class NI (No influence) contains all the paths or portions of paths that are not in class DI or class II. It contains all links

      represented     with dashed lines in figure 5.

In this illustrative example containing ten VLs overall, classes DI and II each contain four and three VLs respectively. Figure 6 shows the partitioning between classes DIII and NI for each VL path in a realistic network including 1000 VLs and 6400 paths. The continuous and dashed lines respectively give the number of VLs in class DI for each path and the number of VLs in classes DI or II. In this industrial network, on average, a VL path has 150, 650 and 200 DIII and NI VLs respectively.

Considering this VL classification, VLs in class NI clearly have no impact on the end to end delay  of  their  associated  path  px.  Thus,  VLs  in  class  NI  will  not  be  considered  in  the definition  of  a  scenario  for  a  px  end-to-end  delay  analysis.  For  the  network  analyzed  in figure 6, this leads to a drastic reduction of the simulation space for approximately 800 VLs paths (each scenario includes less than 150 VLs instead of nearby 1000). Unfortunately, this reduction is quite poor for the 5600 remaining VLs paths (each scenario includes an average of 800 Vls). In order to obtain a larger reduction of the simulation space, the VL classification has to be exploited more effectively. The main idea concerns VLs in class II. They could be ignored in the definition of a scenario for a px end-to-end delay analysis provided they have no  influence  on  px  end-to-end  delay  distribution.  The  next  section  studies  the  effective influence of VLs in class II.

Effective influence of VLsin classII

The influence of a VL in class II on px is illustrated with the example depicted in figure 7. It includes one switch s1, four end systems e1, . . . , e4 and three VLs vxv1 and v2. These three VLs have identical BAGs and frame lengths. Using the taxonomy presented in section 3.1, unicast  VL  vx  is  directly  influenced  by  v1  (class  DI)  and  indirectly  influenced  by  v2 (class I I). Depending on the scenario (phasings for vxv1 and v2), v2 can have an influence on the vx end-to-end delay by modifying the v1 arrival time at the switch s1 output port. The three possible cases are illustrated in figure 8, considering three scenarios. For each of them, figure 8 shows the modification of the vx end-to-end delay due to v2 frames. For the three scenarios,  v1  and  v2  are  ready  for  transmission  simultaneously  and  each  v2  frame  is arbitrarily transmitted before the corresponding v1 frame. Thus, the non-transmission of a v2 frame advances the arrival time of the corresponding v1 frame at the switch s1 output port. In scenario in figure 8, this leads to a shorter vx end-to-end delay because it allows the v1 frame to complete transmission on the s1 – e3 link before the arrival of the vx frame at the s1 output port. Conversely, it leads to a longer vx end-to-end delay in scenario b, because the arrival order of the vx and v1 frames at the s1 output port is inverted and consequently, the  vx  frame  has  to  wait.  Finally,  the  non-transmission  has  no  influence  in  scenario  c, because the vx frame arrives before the v1 one in both cases and as a result never waits

Thus,  depending  on  the  application  scenario,  v2  frames  can  shorten,  lengthen  or  have  no influence on vx end-to-end delays. However, it remains to be seen if VLs in class II (e.g. v2) modify the end-to-end delay distribution of px, their associated VL path.

In order to answer this question, every possible VL path must be examined. The basic idea is to determine, for each VL path, the end-to-end delay distributions considering first, that VLs in  class  II  are  present,  and  second,  that  they  are  not  present.  The  goal  is  to  determine whether VLs in class II modify the end-to-end delay distributions (there is at least one VL path for which the two obtained distributions are different) or not (such a VL path does not exist).  In  the  latter  case,  VLs  in  class  II  do  not  have  to  be  taken  into  account  when determining end-to-end delay distributions. End-to-end  delay  distributions  are  obtained  using  a  simulation  approach.  The  simulation process is detailed in [Scharbarg et al. (2009)]. It considers all the possible kinds of VLs of a typical industrial AFDX configuration. For each considered VL, it compares the distribution of end-to-end delays obtained, first when VLs in class II are transmitted, second when VLs in class II are not transmitted. The two obtained distributions are the same for all the tested VLs. Thus the conclusion is that VLs in class II do not have to be taken into consideration for the computation of vx end-to-end delay distribution.

The  resulting  reduced  simulation  space  makes  it  possible  to  determine  an  experimental probabilistic upper bound for every VL path in a realistic network. The simulation process considers  a  specific  model  for  each  VL  path.  Since  an  industrial  network  configuration includes more than 6000 paths, this leads to a heavy simulation process. A mean of speeding up this process has been presented in [Scharbarg & Fraboul (2007); Scharbarg et al. (2009)]. It consists in building a simplified model for each VL path. Such a model is depicted in Figure 9. It corresponds to a VL path which crosses two switches. The set of componants (switches and end systems) leading to each input port of a switch crossed by the path is modeled by one  end  system  which  emits  all  the  VLs  crossing  this  input  port.  It  has  been  shown  in [Scharbarg & Fraboul (2007); Scharbarg et al. (2009)] that this simplification does not modify the computed end-to-end delay distribution.

This section first gives a brief overview of timed automata. Then, the modeling of the AFDX network is presented. Finally, the verification process which computes the exact end-to-end delay upper bound is described and applied to the sample configuration in Figure 2.


A timed automaton is a finite automaton with a set of clocks, i.e. real and positive variables increasing uniformly with time. Transitions labels can be:

•      a guard, i.e. a condition on clock values,

•      actions,

•      updates, which assign new value to clocks.

The  composition  of  timed  automata  is  obtained  by  a  synchronous  product.  Each  action  executed  by  a  first  timed  automaton  corresponds  to  an  action  with  the  same  name  executed  in  parallel  by  a  second  timed  automaton.  In  other  words,  a  transition  which executes  the  action  a  can  be  fired  only  if  another  transition  labeled  a  is  possible.  The  two transitions   are   performed   simultaneously.   Thus   communication   uses   the   rendez-vous mechanism. Performing  transitions  requires  no  time.  Conversely,  time  can  run  in  nodes.  Each  node  is labeled  by  an  invariant,  that  is  a  boolean  condition  on  clocks.  The  node  occupation  is dependent of this invariant: the node is occupied if the invariant is true. Several extensions of timed automata have been proposed. One of these extensions is timed automata  with  shared  integer  variables.  The  principle  consists  in  defining  a  set  of  integer variables which are shared by different timed automata. Consequently, the values of these variables  can  be  consulted  and  updated  by  the  different  timed  automata  [Larsen  et  al. (1997); Burgueño Arjona (1998)]. A system modelled with timed automata can be verified using a reachability analysis which is  performed  by  model-checking.  It  consists  in  encoding  each  property  in  terms  of  the reachability  of  a  given  node  of  one  of  the  automata.  So,  a  property  is  verified  by  the reachability  of  the  associated  node  if  and  only  if  this  node  is  reachable  from  an  initial configuration.  Reachability  is  decidable  and  algorithms  exist  [Larsen  et  al.  (1997)].  In  the general  case,  reachability  analysis  is  undecidable  on  timed  automata  with  shared integer variables.  In  the  particular  case  where  the shared  variables  are  represented  by  nodes  of  a timed automata, the reachability analysis is decidable. The  approach  considered  in  this  paper  is  based  on  timed  automata  with  shared  integer variables which are represented by nodes of a timed automaton. The modeling of the AFDX with timed automata is now presented.

The modeling of an AFDX network

The modeling of an AFDX network considers an automaton for each VL and an automaton for each output port of a switch. Figure 10 depicts the timed automaton of a VL with a BAG equal to period. This automaton sends a first message send(sendin the example) delayed by a  duration  between  0  and  period,  and  then  sends  periodically  a  new  message  sendi  (the period is equal to the BAG of the VL, i.e. period). So, this automaton models a periodic VL with an offset between 0 and its BAG. Figure  11  shows  an  example  of  an  output  port  of  a  switch.  Each  node  of  the  automaton models  a  location  in  the  FIFO  queue  associated  to  the  port.  Consequently,  the  number  of nodes of the automaton equals the size of the queue (3 in the example of Figure 11). Each transition from a node Positioni  to a node Positioni+1  of the automaton models the arrival of one frame at the transmit port while each transition from a node Positioni+1 to a node Postionmodels the end of the transmission from this port. The automaton of the Figure 11 considers two flows (i.e. two VLs) received using signals send0 and send1 and transmitted using signals send4  and  send5,  corresponding  respectively  to  send0  and  send1.  delay  is  the  transmission time  of  the  frame.  In  the  considered  example  application,  all  the  frames  have  the  same length. pos1, pos2 and pos3 indicate the flows (0 or 1) corresponding to the frames waiting in each position of the queue.

The computation  of the exact worst-case end-to-end delay

Using the test automaton method [Burgueño Arjona (1998); Bérard et al. (2001)], the worst case end-to-end delay of each VL is obtained from the model previously described. The test automaton corresponding to the VL v1 is depicted in Figure 13. This automaton models the property “delay of v1 is less than bound”. By receiving signal send0, it evolves to the node s2. Then the signal send9 is waited (transmission of v1 from the output port of the switch s3, see Figure 12). If this signal is not received before the delay of bound, the automaton evolves to the node reject. This behaviour corresponds to a scenario for which the transmission delay of v1  is  greater  than  bound.  So,  the  analysis  consists  in  finding  the  lowest  value  of  bound  for which the node reject is reached. This value is the maximum end-to-end delay.

To verify the property, we use the model-checker UPPAAL. The calculation takes less than 1s on a Linux station with a Pentium 4 processor and 2GB of memory size. The exact worst case end-to-end delays obtained for each VLs in the Figure 2 are given in table 2

Optimizing the Network Calculus approach with grouping

The pessimism observed in Table 3 is partly due to the fact that the basic Network Calculus approach does not take into account the property that packets of different flows sharing a link cannot be transmitted at the same time on this link (they are serialized). Consequently, the burst considered in the overall input curves of the basic Network Calculus approach can never happen, as soon as at least two flows share the same link. This problem is different from  the  classical  “pay  burst  only  once”  case  described  in  [Le  Boudec  &  Thiran  (2001)]. Indeed, the objective of “pay burst only once” is to aggregate successive switches in order to give an optimized aggregated service curve. The aggregation of nodes is not possible in our case, since flows can join and leave a path at any switch of the network.On the example in Figure 2, the input curve of the output port of S3 shared by v1, v3, v4 and v5 is 4,16120. The maximum burst (16120 bits) corresponds to the case where four packets – one for each VL – arrive at the same time in the output port. This is definitely impossible, since v3 and v4 share the same link. The grouping technique integrates this serialization.

It proceeds  in  two  steps.  First,  the  overall  arrival  curve  is  computed  for  each  link.  It  is  the minimum between, on the one hand the sum of the arrival curves of all the flows sharing the considered  link,  on  the  other  hand  the  curve  bounding  the  burst  to  the  maximum  burst among the curves of the different flows sharing the link and the rate to the rate of the link. This first step is illustrated in Figure 15 for a link shared by two flows with arrival curve

1      1 
2      2 

γr,b and  γr,bIn the second step, the curves obtained for the different links are added.

The gain obtained with this technique is due to the reduction of the maximum burst.

AFDX worst –case delay analysis with the Trajectory approach

The  Trajectory  approach  [Martin  (2004);  Martin  &  Minet  (2006a);  Migge  (1999)]  has  been developed  to  get  deterministic  upper  bounds  on  end-to-end  response  time  in  distributed systems. This approach considers a set of sporadic flows with no assumption concerning the arrival  time  of  packets.  The  principle  of  the  application  of  the  Trajectory  approach  to  the AFDX has been presented in [Bauer et al. (2009a)]. The improvement of the approach has been proposed in [Bauer et al. (2009b)]. Main features of the Trajectory approach applied to AFDX are summarized and illustrated in Sections 6.1 and 6.2. The proof of the optimization of the Trajectory approach computation is presented in Section 6.3.

The main features of the Trajectory approach

The approach developed for the analysis of the AFDX considers the results from [Martin & Minet  (2006a)].  A  distributed  system  is  composed  of  a  set  of  interconnected  processing nodes. Each flow crossing this system follows a static path which is an ordered sequence of nodes. The Trajectory approach assumes, with regards to any flow τi  following path Pi, that any flow following path Pj, with Pj  ≠ Pi  and Pj  ∩ PI   ≠ ∅, never visits a node of path Pi  after having left this path.Flows  are  scheduled  with  a  FIFO  algorithm  in  every  visited  node.  Each  flow  τi   has  a minimum inter-arrival time between two consecutive packets at ingress node, denoted Ti, a maximum release jitter at the ingress node denoted Ji, an end-to-end deadline Di  that is the


maximum  end-to-end  response  time  acceptable  and  a  maximum  processing  time     hon each node Nh, with Nh  ∈ Pi. The transmission time of any packet on any link between nodes has known lower and upper bounds Lmin and Lmax and there are neither collisions nor packet losses on links. The end-to- end response time of a packet is the sum of the times spent in each crossed node and the transmission delays on links. The transmission delays on links are upper bounded by Lmax. The  time  spent  by  a  packet  m  in  a  node  Nh  depends  on  the  pending  packets  in  Nh  at  the arrival time of in Nh. The problem is then to upper bound the overall time spent in the visited nodes.

The solution proposed by the Trajectory approach is based on the busy period concept. A busy period of level L is an interval [tt’) such that and t’ are both idle times of level L and there is no idle time of level L in (tt’). An idle time of level L is a time such as all packets with priority greater than or equal to L generated before have been processed at time t. With FIFO scheduling, no packet from the busy period of level corresponding to the priority of could have arrived after on the considered node.The Trajectory approach considers a packet from flow τi  generated at time t. It identifies the busy period and the packets impacting its end-to-end delay on all the nodes visited by (starting  from  the  last  visited  node  backward  to  the  ingress  node).  This  decomposition enables the computation of the latest starting time of on its last node. This starting time can  be  computed  recursively and  leads  to the  worst  case end-to-end  response  time  of the flow τi. This computation will be illustrated in the context of AFDX.

The  elements of  the  system  considered  in  the  Trajectory  approach  are  instantiated  in  the following way in the context of AFDX:

•      each  node  of  the  system  corresponds  to  an  AFDX  switch  output  port,  including  the output link,

•     each link of the system corresponds to the switching fabric,

•      each flow corresponds to a VL path.

The  assumptions  of  the  Trajectory  approach  are  verified  by  the  AFDX  (see  Section  2.1). Indeed, switch output ports implement FIFO service discipline. The switching fabric delay is upper  bounded  by  a  constant  value  (16  μs),  thus  L  =  Lmin  =  Lmax  =  16  μs.  There  are  no collisions nor packet loss on AFDX networks. The routing of the VLs is statically defined. VL parameters match the definition of sporadic flows in the following manner:

Ti  BAG,


 hsmax/RJ= 0. Since all the AFDX ports work at the same rate = 100Mb/s,  ChC=

smax/for every node in the network.

Illustration on a sample AFDX configuration

Let us consider the sample AFDX configuration depicted in Figure 2. Figure 16(a) shows an arbitrary scheduling of the packets, which are identified by their VL numbers (e.g. packet 3 is a packet from VL v3). The scheduling in Figure 16(a) focuses on packet 3. The arrival time


of a packet in a node Nh  is denoted aNh   . Time origin is arbitrarily chosen as the arrival time of packet 3 in node e3. The processing time of a packet in a node is 40 μs. It corresponds to the transmission time of the packet on a link. The delay between the end of the processing of a packet by a node and its arrival in the next node corresponds to the 16 μs switch factory delay. Due to the FIFO policy, packet 3 is delayed by packet 4 in S2. In node S3, packet 5 is delayed by packet 1 and delays packet 4, which delays packet 3.


This  chapter  gives  an  overview  of  the  temporal  analysis  of  switched  Ethernet  avionic networks. Today, three approaches exist for the computation of a safe upper bound of the end-to-end  delay  of  each  flow  transmitted  on  the  avionic  network.  The  first  approach  is based on model checking and allows the computation of the exact worst-case delay of each flow,  but  it is limited  to  small  configurations,  due  to  the combinatory  explosion  problem. The  two  other  approaches  are  based  on  trajectories  and  network  calculus  and  allow  the computation of a safe upper bound of the end-to-end delay, which is most of the time larger than the exact worst-case, due to the pessimistic assumptions made by the two approaches. Nevertheless,   these   two   approaches   can   be   applied   to   industrial   configurations.   The computation  of  a  safe  upper  bound  is  complemented  by  the  evaluation  of  the  end-to-end delay distribution, thanks to a simulation approach.The worst-case analysis approaches presented in this paper consider a set of sporadic flows with no assumption concerning the arrival time of packets. This does not take into account the  scheduling  of  the  flows  which  are  emitted  by  the  same  component.  This  scheduling could be integrated in the modeling by the mean of assumptions on the relative arrival time of  packets,  as  it  has  been  done  in  the  automotive  context  [Grenier  et  al.  (2008)].  The integration  of  this  scheduling  in  the  modeling  of  flows  should  distribute  temporally  the transmission of packets and very likely reduce the waiting time of packets in output buffers. Moreover, the sporadic characteristic of avionics flows could be taken into account with the help  of  a  probabilistic  modeling,  as  it  has  been  proposed  for  the  a  periodic  traffic  in  the automotive  context  [Khan  et  al.  (2009)].  This  leads  to  a  probabilistic  analysis  of  the  worst case delay of flows. Such an analysis has been proposed [Scharbarg et al. (2009)], based on a stochastic Network Calculus approach [Vojnović & Le Boudec (2002; 2003)].For future aircraft, the addition of other type of flows (audio, video, best-effort, . . .) on the AFDX  network  is  envisioned.  These  different  flows  have  different  timing  constraints  and criticity  levels.  Thus,  it  is  necessary  to  differentiate  them  and  the  FIFO  policy  on  switch output ports is not suitable. Thus, it is necessary to consider other service disciplines, such as  static  priority  queueing  or  weighted  fair  queueing  [Parekh  &  Gallager  (1993)].  The introduction  of  static  priority  queueing  in  the  stochastic  Network  Calculus  approach  has been  presented  in  [Ridouard  et  al.  (2008)].  The  Trajectory  approach  is  promising  for handling  heterogeneous  flows  needing QoS  aware  servicing  policies  at  switches  level [Martin & Minet (2006a;b)].


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