Question Set 80

1.Maximum combustion temperature in gas turbines is of the order of 1100 to 10°C whereas same is around 00°C in I.C. engine ? Why ?

Ans: High temperature in I.C. engine can be tolerated because it lasts for a fraction of second but gas turbines have to face it continuously which metals can’t withstand.

2.Why efficiency of gas turbines is lower compared to I.C. engines ?

Ans: In gas turbines, 70% of the output of gas turbine is consumed by compressor. I.C. engines have much lower auxiliary consumption. Further combustion temperature of I.C. engines is much higher compared to gas turbine.

3.What do you understand by timed cylinder lubrication ?

Ans: For effective lubrication, lub oil needs to be injected between two piston rings when piston is at bottom of stroke so that piston rides in oi during upward movement. This way lot of lub oil can be saved and used properly.

4.What is IIUCR in relation to petrol engine ?

Ans: HUCR is highest useful compression ratio at which the fuel can be used in a specific test engine, under specified operating conditions, without knocking.

5.In some engines glycerine is used in place of water for cooling of engine. Why ?

Ans: Glycerine has boiling point of 90°C which increases its heat carrying capacity. Thus weight of coolant gets reduced and smaller riadiator can be used.

6.Why consumption of lubricating oil is more in two-stroke cycle petrol engine than four-stroke cycle petrol engine ?

Ans: In two-stroke engine lub oil is mixed with petrol and thus some lub oil is blown out through the exhaust valves by scavenging and charging air. There is no such wastage in four stroke petrol engine.

7.As compression ratio increases, thermal n increases. How is thermal n affected by weak and rich mixture strength ?

Ans: Thermal n is high for weak mixture and it decreases as mixture strength becomes rich.

8.How engine design needs to be changed to burn lean mixture ?

Ans: Engine to burn lean mixture uses high compression ratio and the highly turbulent move¬ment of the charge is produced by the geometry of the combustion chamber.

9.Horse power of I.C. engines can be expressed as RAC rating, SAE rating, or DIN rating. To which countries these standards belong ?

Ans: U.K., USA and Germany respectively.

10.What is the use of flash chamber in a vapour compression refrigeration cycle to improve the COP of refrigeration cycle ?

Ans: When liquid refrigerant as obtained from condenser is throttled, there are some vapours. These vapours if carried through the evaporator will not contribute to refrigerating effect. Using a flash chamber at some intermediate pressure, the flash vapour at this pressure can be bled off and fed back to the compression process.

The throttling process is then carried out in stages. Similarly compression process is also done in two separate compressor stages.

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