Question Set 32

Question No. 1

What are the types of welded joints?


The types of welded joints are

1.     Butt joint

2.     Lap joint

3.     T – joint

4.     Corner joint

5.     Edge joint.

Question No. 2

What are the two types of stresses are induced in eccentric loading of loaded joint?


The two types of stresses are induced in eccentric loading of loaded joint are

1. Direct shear stress.

2. Bending or torsional shear stress.

Question No. 3

Define butt and lap joint.


Butt joint:The joint is made by welding the ends or edges of two plates.

Lap joint: The two plates are overlapping each other for a certain distance and then welded. Such welding is called fillet weld.

Question No. 4

When will the edge preparation need?


If the two plates to be welded have more than 6 mm thickness, the edge preparation should be carried out.

Question No. 5

What are the two types of fillet weld?


Two types of fillet weld are

1.     Longitudinal or parallel fillet weld

2.     Transverse fillet weld

Question No. 6

State the two types of eccentric welded connections.


Two types of eccentric welded connections are

1.     Welded connections subjected to moment in a plane of the weld.

2.     Welded connections subjected to moment in a plane normal to the plane of the weld.

Question No. 7

What are the practical applications of welded joints?


It has employed in manufacturing of machine frames, automobile bodies, aircraft, and structural works.

Question No. 8

What is bearing?


Bearing is a stationery machine element which supports a rotating shafts or axles and confines its motion.

Question No. 9

Classify the types of bearings.


The types of bearings are

A. Depending upon the type of load coming upon the shaft:

1.     Radial bearing

2.     Thrust bearings.

B. Depending upon the nature of contact:

1.     Sliding contact

2.     Rolling contact bearings or Anti-friction bearings.

Question No. 10

What are the required properties of bearing materials?


Bearing material should have the following properties.

1.     High compressive strength

2.     Low coefficient of friction

3.     High thermal conductivity

4.     High resistance to corrosion

5.     Sufficient fatigue strength

6.     It should be soft with a low modulus of elasticity

7.     Bearing materials should not get weld easily to the journal material.

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