

 These questions are again straightforward and if you have spent significant time fixing or making things, they won’t present any problems. However, mechanical goods of all types are relatively cheaper, less prone to breakdown and often less repairable than they were 20 years ago.

This means that many people under 30 years of age don’t have much practical experience of fixing things or of watching someone else do so. If you feel that this applies to you, then you will need to make some effort to improve your knowledge of everyday tools. You can do this by getting hold of a catalog for a tool hire company and simply reading through it – boring but effective.

Example Questions


1) Which hammer is the most suitable tool for general carpentry?

  • A) None
  • B) 1
  • C) 2
  • D) 3
  • E) 4

2) Which hammer is the most suitable tool for general metalwork?

  • A) None
  • B) 1
  • C) 2
  • D) 3
  • E) 4

3) Which is the most suitable tool for breaking up concrete?

  • A) None
  • B) 1
  • C) 2
  • D) 3
  • E) 4

4) Which is the most suitable tool for assembling a friction fit wooden frame?

  • A) None
  • B) 1
  • C) 2
  • D) 3
  • E) 4

5) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for general woodwork?

·         A) 4 & 2

·         B) 3, 5 & 7

·         C) 2, 4 & 6

·         D) 4 & 7

·         E) 3 & 6

6) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for repairing a broken radio?

·         A) 1 & 8

·         B) 3, 5 & 7

·         C) 8

·         D) 1 & 9

·         E) 3 & 6

7) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for working with sheet glass?

·         A) 4 & 2

·         B) 3, 5 & 7

·         C) 2, 4 & 6

·         D) 4 & 7

·         E) 3 & 6

 8) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for auto body repair work?

·         A) 1 & 8

·         B) 3, 5 & 7

·         C) 8

·         D) 1 & 9

·         E) 3 & 6

Answers to Questions

1.      B – Claw hammer.

2.      E – Ball-peen hammer.

3.      D – Sledge hammer.

4.      C – Rubber mallet.

5.      B – Plane, chisels and tenon saw.

6.      D – Soldering iron and electrical test meter.

7.      B – Glass cutter.

8.      C – Mig welder.


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