Time Study in production planning

The general procedure followed in systematic carrying out the time study in production planning is as follows:

1. Select the work to be studied.

2. Record all the information about the work, operator and surrounding conditions.

3. Break down the each operation into small elements.

4. Examine each element to ensure that the most effective method and motions are used.

5. Measure with a stop watch, the time taken by the operator to perform each element.

6. Assess the effective speed of the operator performance, i.e. rating factor.

7. Apply rating factor to the observed time to get basic or normal time.

8. Determine the allowances to be made.

9. Compile standard time.


(a) The standard time or allowed time is the total time in which a job should be completed at standard performance. It is obtained by adding all allowances to the basic time or normal time.

(b) The average of times recorded by a work study man for an operation is called representative time.

(c) The actual time read from a stop watch during time study is known as observed time.

(d) The assessment of performance of the operator by the time study man is known as rating factor.

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