Testing of IC Engines

Testing of IC Engines

Testing of IC Engines – why is it done? The purpose of testing an internal combustion engine (IC Engine) are

(a) To determine the information which cannot be obtained by calculations.

(b) To conform the data used in design, the validity of which is doubtful.

(c) To satisfy the customer regarding the performance of the engine.

The majority of tests on internal combustion engines are carried out for commercial purposes in order to check the following :

(i) rated power (brake power) with the guaranteed fuel consumption (kg/kW-hr.)

(ii) the quantity of lubricating oil required on brake power basis per kW-hr.

(iii) the quantity of cooling water required on brake power basis in kg per kW-hr.

(iv) the steadiness of the engine when loaded at different loads.

(v) the overload carrying capacity of the engine.

An internal combustion engine (IC Engine) is put to thermodynamic tests, so as to determine efficiency and performance indicators.


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