What are the International Rights as enumerated by Thomas Donaldson?

What are the International Rights as enumerated by Thomas Donaldson?

•    The right to freedom of physical movement •    The right to ownership of property •    The right to freedom from torture •    The right to a fair deal •    The right to non-discriminatory treatment •    The right to physical security •    The right to freedom of speech and association •    The right to minimal education •    The right to political participation •    The right to subsistence
What are the three senses of relative values?

What are the three senses of relative values?

Ethical Relativism •     Actions are morally right in a particular society if they are approved by law, custom, or other conventions of the society. Descriptive Relativism •    Value beliefs and attitudes differ from culture to culture and this is a fact. Moral Relationalism or Contextualism (Ethical pluralism) •     Moral judgements should be made in relation to factors that vary between issues. Hence it is not possible to formulate rules that are simple and applicably to all situations.
What are the benefits of Multi-National corporations doing business in less developed countries for both the MNCs and the host country?

What are the benefits of Multi-National corporations doing business in less developed countries for both the MNCs and the host country?

Benefits to MNCs: • Inexpensive labor • Availability of natural resources • Favorable tax conditions • Fresh markets for products Benefits to developing host countries: • New jobs • Greater pay and greater challenge • Transfer of advanced technology • Social benefits from sharing wealth
GLOBAL ISSUES – Give an account of Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

GLOBAL ISSUES – Give an account of Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

On  December  3,  1984,  Union  Carbide's  pesticide-manufacturing  plant  in  Bhopal,  India leaked 40 tons of the deadly gas, methyl isocyanate into a sleeping, impoverished community - killing 2,500 within a few days, 10000 permanently disabled and injuring 100,000 people. Ten years later, it increased to 4000 to 7000 deaths and injuries to 600,000. Risks taken: •  Storage tank of Methyl Isocyanate gas was filled to more than 75% capacity as against Union Carbide’s spec. that it should never be more than 60% full. •    The  company’s  West  Virginia  plant  was  controlling  the  safety  systems  and  detected leakages thro’ computers but the Bhopal plant only used manual labour for control and leak detection. •    The Methyl Isocyanate gas, being highly concentrated, burns parts of body with which it comes into contact, even blinding eyes and destroying lungs. Causal Factors: •    Three protective systems out of service •    Plant was understaffed due to costs. •    Very high inventory of MIC, an extremely toxic material. •    The accident occurred in the early morning.…


The right to original literary and artistic works •    Literary, written material •    Dramatic, musical or artistic works •    Films and audio-visual materials •    Sound recordings •    Computer Programmes/software •    SOME databases Example: Picasso’s Guernica, Microsoft code, Lord of the Rings