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Posted inPrinciple of Management
Future of Management
Modern management approaches respect the classical, human resource, and quantitative approaches to management. However, successful managers recognize that although each theoretical school has limitations in its applications, each approach also offers valuable insights that can broaden a manager's options in solving problems and achieving organizational goals. Successful managers work to extend these approaches to meet the demands of a dynamic environment. Just as organizations evolve and grow, employee needs also change over time; people possess a range of talents and capabilities that can be developed. In order to optimize outcomes, organizations and managers, should respond to individuals with a wide variety of managerial strategies and job opportunities. Important aspects to be considered, as the 21st century progresses, include the following: Organizations need to commit to not just meeting customer needs but exceeding customer expectations through quality management and continuous improvement of operations. Reinvent new methods of process improvements and constantly learn new ways and best practices from practices in other organizations and environments. Organizations must reinvest in their most important asset, their human capital. They need commit to effectively and positively use human resources by reducing attrition rates. Managers must excel in their leadership responsibilities to perform numerous different roles.