Physical Reasons of Emission Varying in CdSe/ZnS and CdSeTe/ZnS Quantum Dots at Bioconjugation to Antibodies

In the last two decades, the colloidal core/shell quantum dots (QDs) of II-VI semiconductors (CdSe, CdS, CdSeTe, and ZnS) attracted an enormous scientific attention owing to the fundamental scientific aspects and future promising applications in optoelectronics, photonics, biology, and medicine. The modern developments in nanotechnology allow numerous promising applications in the field of biology and…

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Quantum Dots Prepared by Droplet Epitaxial Method

The electrons “boxed up” or confined in quantum confinement and the calculation of their energy levels, which are well known from textbooks, were regarded for decades as idealistic concepts far from practical reality. The molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) technology, developed for compound semiconductors, made the introduction of the low-dimension structures into the everyday scientific research…

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’Three-Orders Time-Limit’ for Phase On the ’Three-Orders Time-Limit’ for Phase Decoherence in Quantum Dots Decoherence in Quantum Dots

The   notion   of   a   quantum   dot   [1–3]   comprises   various   nanometre-size   semiconductor structures,   manufactured   by   means   of   different   technologies   and   resulting   in   special limitations   on   the   carrier   dynamics   (electrons   and   holes),   as   well   as   excitations   of electron-hole  pairs  (excitons).   The  Coulomb  energy  scales  withe  QD  size  d  as  1/d  (and  is of the order of meV…

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Theory of Excitons and Excitonic Quasimolecules Formed from Spatially Separated Electrons and Holes in Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Nanostructures

Quasi-zero-dimensional semiconductor nanosystems consisting of spherical semiconductor nanocrystals, i.e., quantum dots with radii of a =1-10 nm and containing cadmium sulphide and selenide, gallium arsenide, germanium, silicon, and zinc selenide in their volume, and synthesized in a borosilicate glass matrix currently attract particular research attention due to their unique photoluminescent properties, i.e., the ability to efficiently emit…

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