What’s a Prime Mover?

Our power generation system is based on prime movers. This article describes the importance of prime movers, and the historical development of power generation machines. We also look at where the phrase actually came from. Introduction of the Term “Prime Mover”                          The unique feature of our civilization, which makes it different from all others, is…

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Swept Back Wings and Stability

What is meant by swept wings? Why was this technology developed? Who were its pioneers? Why is this technology only for high speed airliners and military aircraft? Get the answers for all these questions here. Race Against Air Friction and Turbulence History of Swept back wings In swept wing technology the airplane wings are swept back at…

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8640 Alloy Steel

Background 8640 alloy steel is a special alloy of steel which was developed during World War II. 8640 steel was developed in part due to a shortage of chromium at the time. About half of the typical chromium content of 4630 steel was replaced with nickel. Scientists discovered that the combination of nickel and chromium…

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Compression Spring Calculations

Various compression spring calculations are required now and then by engineers. This article covers five types of important helical compression spring calculations and a typical example is discussed. Various equations are used for calculating the different parameters related to the compression spring. We will not go in details of derivations of the equations rather limit…

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Optical Dynamic Detection of Bomb Materials

Optical dynamic detection of bombs, or ODD, is the latest explosive detection technique. This article will discuss how the optical dynamic detection of bombs or explosives works compared to traditional ion mobility spectroscopy. Until recently, ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has been used for explosive or bomb detection, but there are many drawbacks to spectrometry or spectroscopy….

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Modern Steam Turbines

There are two basic types of steam turbines: Impulse and Reaction turbines. The impulse turbine is normally used for high and intermediate steam turbines, whereas the reaction turbine is used for low steam turbines. However modern turbines can also be a combination of these two types. Steam Turbines in Power Plants Overview The type of…

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