Engineering Mathematics
Hexadecimal numbers
The complexity of computers requires higher order numbering systems such as octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16) which are merely extensions of the binary system. A hexadecimal numbering system has a radix of 16 and uses the following 16 distinct digits:
Computer numbering systems
Binary numbers The system of numbers in everyday use is the denary or decimal system of numbers, using the digits 0 to 9. It has ten different digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) and is said to have a radix or base of 10. The binary system of numbers…
Conversion tables and charts
It is often necessary to make calculations from various conversion tables and charts. Examples include currency exchange rates, imperial to metric unit conversions, train or bus timetables, production schedules and so on.
Use of calculator
The most modern aid to calculations is the pocket-sized electronic calculator. With one of these, calculations can be quickly and accurately performed, correct to about 9 significant figures. The scientific type of calculator has made the use of tables and logarithms largely redundant. To help you to become competent at using your calculator check that…
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