K – Terminologies

K – Terminologies

KINETIC ENERGY – Energy due to momentum, that is, the energy of a moving body, which is equivalent to saying, dynamic inertia.

KING PIN – The steel pin on which the steering knuckle pivots, it attaches the steering knuckle to the knuckle support or axle.

KING PIN INCLINATION – Inward tilt of the king pin from the vertical.

KINGPIN OFFSET – is the distance between the centre of the tyre contact patch and intersection of the kingpin or steering axis with the ground. Kingpin offset is also called scrub radius.

KNOCK BACK – Slight axial movement that pushes the calliper pistons into their bore. This causes clearance between the brake lining and the rotor.

KNUCKLE – The part of the suspension that connects the control arms and supports the wheel spindle.

KANTHAL – It is an electrical resistance alloy of iron-chromium-aluminium with small additions of cobalt. About 25 per cent Cr, 5 per cent Al, 3 per cent Co, and balance almost pure iron.

KAOLIN – A fine white clay that is used in ceramics and refractories composed mostly of kaolinite, a hydrous silicate of aluminium. Impurities may cause various colours and tints.

KILLED STEEL – Steel that has been deoxidized with agents such as silicon or aluminium to reduce the oxygen content to such a level that no reaction occurs between carbon and oxygen during solidification. This prevents gases from evolving during solidification.

KEROSENE – This petroleum product is a liquid fuel having an average latent heat of vaporization of 105-110 BTU lb and the specific heat of 0.50, sometimes called COAL OIL.

KNOCK (engine) – In an engine, a rapping or hammering noise resulting from excessively rapid burning of the compressed air fuel charge.

KINETIC ENERGY – Energy associated with motion. An internal combustion engine produces kinetic energy (crankshaft rotation).

KNIFE EDGE VERNIER CALIPER – has jaws which are reduced to a very narrow edge. These are useful for measuring in restricted places or on curved surfaces.

KEYS – Metal pieces of various designs which fit into a slot in a shaft and project above the shaft to fit into a mating slot in the center hole of a gear or pulley to provide a positive drive between the shaft and the gear or pulley.

KNEE – A principal part of a column and knee type milling machine which slides vertically on the column and carries the saddle and table.

KEYS – Metal pieces of various designs that fit into a slot in a shaft and project above the shaft to fit into a mating slot in the center hole of a gear or pulley to provide a positive drive between the shaft and the gear or pulley.

KEYSEAT – The slot or recessed groove either in the shaft or gear, which is made to receive the key. Also, it is called a KEYWAY.

KNURL – A uniform roughened or checked surface of either a diamond, a straight or other pattern.

KNUCKLE PRESS – Press designed to exert a great pressure. It is a strong, heavily built and a rather slow-moving machine, and the standard range varies from 60-100 tons per sq. inch.

KISH – Graphite thrown out by liquid cast iron in cooling.

KNOOP HARDNESS – Micro-hardness determined from the resistance of metal to indentation by a pyramidal diamond indenter, having edge angles of 172° and 32 minutes and 130°, making a rhombohedral impression with one long and one short diagonal.

KNURLING – A cold working process in which a series of sharp serrations on a hardened steel roller are pressed into the material being knurled.

KENNEDY’S THEOREM – Any three bodies having plane motion relative to one another have three instant centers, and they lie in a straight line.

KINEMATIC CHAIN – A group of links either joined together or arranged in a manner that permits them to move relative to one another.

KINEMATIC DIAGRAM – A scale drawing representing the machine so that only the dimensions which affect its motions are recorded.

KINEMATIC PAIR – Two bodies in contact, between which there is relative motion and this motion is completely constrained e.g., turning pair, sliding pair, screw pair.

KINEMATICS OF MACHINES – A study of the relative motion of machine parts e.g., displacement, velocity and acceleration.

KINETICS – Study which deals with the inertia force arising from the combined effect of the mass and the motion of the parts.

KNOCKING COMBUSTION – is the auto ignition or instantaneous ignition of the end charge due to the compression of the same by the expansion and radiation heat of the burning charge.

KEEL CONDENSER – A type of marine outboard single pass surface condenser attached to the side of a hull below the water line. It requires no circulating water pump.

KELVIN PLANK STATEMENT – It is impossible to construct an engine undergoing a cyclic process, which will convert all the heat supplied to it into an equivalent amount of work.

KILO PASCALS (kPa) – Measurement of pressure in the metric system 1 kilo Pascal is approximately equal to 6.895 pounds per square inch.

KINETIC ENERGY – Energy due to momentum, that is the energy of a moving body, which is equivalent to saying, dynamic inertia. The kinetic energy of a moving body is the work which the body is capable of performing against a resistance before it is brought to rest, that is, it equals the work which has brought it from its state of rest to its actual velocity.

KERF – Width of the cut produced during a cutting process.


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