Requirements of a Good Clutch

·         It should be able to transmit the maximum torque of the engine.

·         It should engage gradually to avoid sudden jerks.

·         It should be able to dissipate a large amount of heat generated during clutch operation.

·         It should be dynamically balanced, particularly in the case of high-speed engine clutches.

·         It should have a suitable mechanism to damp vibrations and to eliminate noise produced during power transmission.

·         It should be as small as possible so that it will occupy minimum space.

·         It should be easy to operate requiring as little exertion as possible on the part of the driver.

·         It should be made as light as possible so that it will continue to rotate for any length of time after the clutch has been disengaged.

·         It must be trouble-free and have longer life.

·         It must be easy to inspect, adjust, and repair.

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